sunday is suppose to be a bright day right??a SUN day.suppose to be a day you are refresh from the whole week chaotic days right??
maybe i wokeup o the wrong side of bed again,or maybe,its just one of my very unlucky days indeed.i had not a good night sleep the previous night,so i guess it kinda makes me cranky in the morning.wokeup at 9 to have a good afterwhich, i thot my day will be the cupboard,all the pile up clothes literally dropped or to put it on the not so good term,it literally FALL AND sMACKED ON MY a volcano erupt.okay look IM NOT REALI A SHOPHOLIC*self defense*.I AM SO PISSED OFF WHEN I COULDNT FIND MY BEIGE PANTS!!IT WAS NOT THE ONLY PANTS THAT I LOIKE OR WHAT,BUT IT WAS MY only WORK PANTS.i had that only piece to make it as my working pants as the work require me to wear that colour.F*** off OKAY.i kept digging for it for about 15 mins when i reALISE IT WAS REALI NOT IN IT, screamed for mum's attention and asked her whether she saw it.IT WAS MORE PISSING OFF WHEN SHE SAID SHE DUNNO ANYTHING ABT THE PANTS.OKAY LOOK,i reali hate when i asked something important/was desperate looking for it and people DUNNO!i mean yes for sure my attitude sucks at time but i reali hate a not definite or negative answers!!!!!pls for godsake dun ever do this to me at the very last minute.and i suspected SOMEONE STOLE MY PANTS as my mum hang it out at the corridor to dry it.cos it was there all along two days ago but this morning,it was not THERE.OHMYGAWD.CAN YOU GUYS PLS GET YOUR OWN PANTS??!
later at work,the stupid idiotic machine just finished the whatever license on me when i was about to bill the first customer.lucky enuuf that woman was not the 'kiasu receipt type of person' when the system was down.then, there were exceptionally LOTS of customers bloody test my patience today!THANKS FOR MAKING MY LIFE MORE MISERABLE.there was this particular customer who had to try EVERY SINGLE SIZE of the same design and THAT REALI PISSED ME OFF.then there was this particular idiots who used dunno what kinda language and REALI DUMB OR WHAT.he can simply said he wanted to exchange his gifts or what cos the size is not appropriate,but you know what he said???: REFUNDd*in his accent*?????refund????can you pls GOOGLE THE MEANING of refund b4 using it.WOW REFUND.den my colleague had trouble tracking down who did the cashing in.WHAT A HASSLE.
during lunch,i reali dunno WHAT TO HAVE FOR LUNCH,and when i find something that i wANNA EAT,mee bakso,WHICH IS LISTED ON THE MENU AND NOT CROSS OUT (not available) or anything,according to the woman'' BAKSO DUN HAP*deep accent*...for 5 minutes i looked at the menu and was like..WHAT?!den asked whats available...EVERYTHING ELSE AVAILABLE,EXCEPT BAKSO.HOW IRRITATING CAN THAT BE??!ITS JUST NOT MY DAY!!!!!FASTFOOD IS DEFINATELY OUT.after an HOUR of food hunting and realised my lunch hour gonE, grab my colleague's food back at the shop,she den told me there's a nice LAKSA CORNER few steps away from our shop,so looking vexed, i just followed her recommendation.went to the shop and was like''can i place my order here?''the lady was like ''ya here''*pointing* then when i asked for what i wanted,she replied''CLOSED,sorry''AGAIN,WHAT????!!CAN'T YOU JUST TEL ME IN THE VERY FIRST PLACE THAT YOU ARE CLOSED???!!!OHMYGAWD REALI TESTING MY PATIENT. NOTHING ELSE TO BUY, decided to buy the next door ICE BLENDED CHOC WHICH COST TERRIBLY EXPENSIVE FOR A MINUTE CUP which i can finishup within 10 mins at MOST.that area im working reali have no gOOD HALAL FOOD AND EXPENSIVE
and btw, why some people simply ignorant when it comes to money??? when i paid first for it means i paid first,YOU PAY ME UP AFTER GET WHAT YOU WANTED dosen't mean I TREAT YOU???i am excepttionally mad when i am broke and people keep using me.okay maybe you forget to pay me,but to me, the moment you take the thing from the person that paid for you,you'll pay right away!that's the procedure right??okay even if you have not enuff cash,then tell ME,''i pay you later/next time.''okay its a small amount but when i am broke,every single cent matters right??i mean no matter how broke i am, will be independent and will not borrow/use anyone's money unless its reali emergency and i will take note of it and will not be peaceful until i paid that person.
OMG.if you are my bff,its okay,but I LITERALLY KNOW YOU NOT THAT VERY WELL.damn.
-____-then, there were those who look at me, one of a kind,LIKE I OWE THEM A LIVING.BITCH.
dear god, pls forgive me for all my sins.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
for girls/ladies/women entry
fine this may be random fact,but i just wanted to share wif the ppl out there.whoever interested to read this.i'm not referring this to any particular person or whatever.but i am VERY PARTICULAR ABOUT PERSONAL HYGIENE. I DUN CARE IF YOU LOOK LIKE A MODEL OR WHATSOVER BUT THE FACT THAT YOU NEGLECT YOUR PERSONAL HYGIENE,THAT REalllly STINKS.
LOOK,EVERYONE HAS is a thing that you can never run away from.EVEN MS.UNIVERSE HAS IT.chk it out if you dun believe me.try smelling them when they haven't had A bath.the only difference is,HOW STRONG IS YOUR ODOUR COMPARED TO THE REST.this depends on what you eat mum always tell me that.cos the acids or whatever chemical that is burnt out from your body is from the INNER YOU.and thats what you eat!(i'm not personal nutritionist or what but ya,i used to take F&N,for 'O' level and learn alot bout it,so ya,dun blame me for all this talking).
but its okay,yes we can't really limit to what we eat and also control it,BUT YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR B.O.A simple start would be proper bathing,NORMAL SOAP(SHOKOBUTSU OR WHAT)dun really need the expensive ones like from body shop or what,seriously.AND THE NEXT MUST FOR LADIES/GUYS) ARE.....OUR NEXT BFF,MISS/MR REXONA(FOR MEN's pls google the image yourself,tyvm)
and ofcos,whats blog w/o photos right???here you go!
fine this may be random fact,but i just wanted to share wif the ppl out there.whoever interested to read this.i'm not referring this to any particular person or whatever.but i am VERY PARTICULAR ABOUT PERSONAL HYGIENE. I DUN CARE IF YOU LOOK LIKE A MODEL OR WHATSOVER BUT THE FACT THAT YOU NEGLECT YOUR PERSONAL HYGIENE,THAT REalllly STINKS.
I AM THE DEPRESSED girl working arnd people wif POOR personal HYGIENE.OKAY FINE not ALL of them are,but MOST.teen girls.few years younger than me,or some about the same age as me.dressup quite pleasantly,looking hi-tech and modern and stuff*if you noe what im talking abt* but the moment THEY passby you, all i can say is,GOD BLESS THEM!ALAMAK,THE SMELL IS WORST THAN DUSTBIN OR SOMETHING.unpleasant,DUH.naseb la aku keje part time je,...have to endure them for awhile and not the WHOLE DAY!i think i can faint from suffocating if have to breathe in that not so fresh air the whole day!
LOOK,EVERYONE HAS is a thing that you can never run away from.EVEN MS.UNIVERSE HAS IT.chk it out if you dun believe me.try smelling them when they haven't had A bath.the only difference is,HOW STRONG IS YOUR ODOUR COMPARED TO THE REST.this depends on what you eat mum always tell me that.cos the acids or whatever chemical that is burnt out from your body is from the INNER YOU.and thats what you eat!(i'm not personal nutritionist or what but ya,i used to take F&N,for 'O' level and learn alot bout it,so ya,dun blame me for all this talking).
but its okay,yes we can't really limit to what we eat and also control it,BUT YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR B.O.A simple start would be proper bathing,NORMAL SOAP(SHOKOBUTSU OR WHAT)dun really need the expensive ones like from body shop or what,seriously.AND THE NEXT MUST FOR LADIES/GUYS) ARE.....OUR NEXT BFF,MISS/MR REXONA(FOR MEN's pls google the image yourself,tyvm)
OKAY,that dosen't mean only REXONA, any deodarant brand will do,NIVEA,lady speed stick,etc....but I am a big fan of yeah.*promote jap*AND tHE best part is the deodorant can last u the whole DAY LONG AND CAN USED FOR A MONTH *even if you go out everyday like me*and that rexona cos only SGD 3.15( if im not wrong)SO PLS GIRLS,IF YOU CAN SPEND ALL THE MONEY ON CLOTHES AND MAKEUP,why not invest that LIL' amount on something which will do GREAT TO YOU!IM SURE PPL AROUND YOU WOULD APPRECIATE IT,...cos usually you yourself dun SMELL IT,PPL ARND YOU DO -______-THEY CAN'T GO ARND TELLING YOU ''EH BITCH,U SMELL SO BAD,AS BAD AS MY DOG'S POO'' RIGHT??that will be totally mean thing to do and i'm sure you dun want that to happen to you!and the worst if the opposite sex of you tell you that,I THINK YOU'LL FEEL LIKE HIDING YOURSELF UNDER THE BLANKET FOR THE NEXT 3 DAYS.IM SURE OF THAT -________+......
RAPUNZEL:THE ENTANGLED TALE WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!! oh yeah!we bought the drink set and got the toy/cup!!!oOOH that reminds me of it,i dunno where ive placed it.
and ya, i wanted so much to watch this movie!angelina is totally HOT MAMA.
I went,no i mean my skool had this trip to URA(uRBAN REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY) where all the models of builidngs in SINGAPORE ARE PLACED!chkitout my house!!!somewhere there i guess...AWESOME MODEL PLAN.IM AMAZED!
ohmygawd!i miss IKEA HOTDOG BUN readi.dammit.btw,had no tyme to grab a bitE of the meatballs!!!shud have bought it takeaway!(muke gelojoh)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
newborn baby Q!*hugs & kisses*
my newborn nieeeeeeeeeece!i feel like squeezing her cheeks!oh ya,she got our cheeks you!the mouth maintain eh.*looks like my dad when she's sleeping*
my cousin's daughter with the 'whatever' girl.she can sleep peacefully even with loud noise.i blast music so loud she just peep her eyes open for awhile then continue sleeping.WOW.i love you nieeece!
i think kids are super smart nowadaes,with newborn niece,my nephew is getting jealous or what??he simply dun let me off to play 'soccer' (kids way) wif him whenever i wanna go and peep Qaisarah...its okay,i still love you Aiman!but your parents that makes me think twice about loving you more.HAHA
I'M LOOKING FORWARD LATER!GONNA CATCH my MOVIE.HAHA.I remember telling nani ''eh cerite aku dah keluar di pasaran''AND SHE GOES ON LIKE ???? HAHA! see you nani!
PS: just becos of YOU,we have to do all this SHIT,pls be considerate when it comes to FYP.its not AS IF we DO IT,YOU DUN BUT YOU STILL GET THE SAME GRADE AS US?PLS DO FUCK YOURSELF UNDER THE TREE.*TRAGIC MODE*im so gonna slap you next time you open youR MOUTH unnecessarily!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
my bitchy moments
yeah,with the not so good mood.had my b***hes days few weeks back.TOTALLY FELT like a professional WORLD CLASS b***h.NOPE.please do cross out all the negative words you wanna associate with what i've just said.i super felt like i had no LIFE NOW.and that my life just revolves around SCHOOL.i swear i NEVER had THIS FEELING the feeling you think about going to school tmr,fearing that you might not able to finish your schedule work,fearing of PEOPLE disturbs you with work.FEARING that youR ideas might NOT be accepted by group members???
I SWEAR WASN'T me back then.i used to be so CHILLED out in laid back.THINK NOTHING ABOUT SCHOOL.assumed school was just part of the days that need to go through in life.BUT NOW,THINGS CHANGED.i have no idea for betta or worst??I FELT SO TERRIbLY STRESS FOR DUNNO WHAT REASON.I SWEAR.I AM NOT ME.NOWADAES.
all the DEMONs have turned me into a SUPER BITCHY GIRL.AND I DUN WANNA AND DUN WISH TO BE THAT.OKAY LOOK,im just gonna be a nice,CRAZY next door girl.i mean the past me.NOWADAES w/o realising i've turned to TALK ABT PPL????LIKE SO NOT ME.I SWEAR I HATE IT. LOOK IM THE STRAIGHT FORWARD TYPE.yes my words are aharsh and hurtful at times but at least i convey my msg to the INTENDED person directly becos I DUN LIKE THEIR WAYS?oh that USED TO BE ME.BUT NOW,I CAN'T???i have to either keep quiet/like pretend not to know/PRETEND I LIKE(the worst feeling) EVEN IF i DISAGREE THINGS??
i wanna voice out but instead people want me to keep away or just KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT and instead make/divert me into engaging 'small private talk',LIKE TO KEEP SECRET?EH,tis is not primary school or even secondary school i swear!even when i'm that age,I DUN DO THAT???
now, i have to let out my anger in 'small private talk'.THAT'S WHY I FELT LIKE A BITCH.i mean like kinda GOSSIP in a rude way of saying.people dun influence me easily.its just the way i'm thinking now that rules me.COS I HAVE TO WORK WITH THEM(IN project)SO I have no choice to stay 'FRENS' wif them and be kinda two face and can't afford to hurt them.LIKE MAMPOS.this kinda feeling sucks i swear!I HOPE BY THIS WEEKEND,IM able to wash off ALL THE IMPURITIES IN ME.
wish me LUCK!
hope to get away from all this STRESS symptoms.and be a GOOD, non-bitchy girl.YOU KNOW WHAT,SILENCE IS THE BEST NOWADAES(which is so not me oso)
'bitchy idiot'(hope i can erase this title by end of the week!!!)
yeah,with the not so good mood.had my b***hes days few weeks back.TOTALLY FELT like a professional WORLD CLASS b***h.NOPE.please do cross out all the negative words you wanna associate with what i've just said.i super felt like i had no LIFE NOW.and that my life just revolves around SCHOOL.i swear i NEVER had THIS FEELING the feeling you think about going to school tmr,fearing that you might not able to finish your schedule work,fearing of PEOPLE disturbs you with work.FEARING that youR ideas might NOT be accepted by group members???
I SWEAR WASN'T me back then.i used to be so CHILLED out in laid back.THINK NOTHING ABOUT SCHOOL.assumed school was just part of the days that need to go through in life.BUT NOW,THINGS CHANGED.i have no idea for betta or worst??I FELT SO TERRIbLY STRESS FOR DUNNO WHAT REASON.I SWEAR.I AM NOT ME.NOWADAES.
all the DEMONs have turned me into a SUPER BITCHY GIRL.AND I DUN WANNA AND DUN WISH TO BE THAT.OKAY LOOK,im just gonna be a nice,CRAZY next door girl.i mean the past me.NOWADAES w/o realising i've turned to TALK ABT PPL????LIKE SO NOT ME.I SWEAR I HATE IT. LOOK IM THE STRAIGHT FORWARD TYPE.yes my words are aharsh and hurtful at times but at least i convey my msg to the INTENDED person directly becos I DUN LIKE THEIR WAYS?oh that USED TO BE ME.BUT NOW,I CAN'T???i have to either keep quiet/like pretend not to know/PRETEND I LIKE(the worst feeling) EVEN IF i DISAGREE THINGS??
i wanna voice out but instead people want me to keep away or just KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT and instead make/divert me into engaging 'small private talk',LIKE TO KEEP SECRET?EH,tis is not primary school or even secondary school i swear!even when i'm that age,I DUN DO THAT???
now, i have to let out my anger in 'small private talk'.THAT'S WHY I FELT LIKE A BITCH.i mean like kinda GOSSIP in a rude way of saying.people dun influence me easily.its just the way i'm thinking now that rules me.COS I HAVE TO WORK WITH THEM(IN project)SO I have no choice to stay 'FRENS' wif them and be kinda two face and can't afford to hurt them.LIKE MAMPOS.this kinda feeling sucks i swear!I HOPE BY THIS WEEKEND,IM able to wash off ALL THE IMPURITIES IN ME.
wish me LUCK!
hope to get away from all this STRESS symptoms.and be a GOOD, non-bitchy girl.YOU KNOW WHAT,SILENCE IS THE BEST NOWADAES(which is so not me oso)
'bitchy idiot'(hope i can erase this title by end of the week!!!)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
long time i've neve blog heh.sory had no tyme for seriously.been running here and there.juggle between skool and work and piles of project works.
its PH finally.i wanted to see the korban this morning,but couldn't wake up so ya.ytd's eve of raya was like f***.i had project to do till like 9 im still in skool.neve do till that late b4.had to do it cos if i dun,i have to come today?like HALO.its holiday right??to tell you seriously i have no time to rest peacefully for the past few weeks.
i kinda regret working part time.yes for the sake of extra money,i had to work.actually when come to think of it,i dun really need it,actually i just wanted to 'get away' from home this month.if you know why.but after knowing all the projects that i have to do,time away from home is definately there.i had to have lotsa project meeting and discussions!plus the skooling hour sucks lately.then nearing weekend,i'm all plan for part time work!how sucky can that be.I REALLY WISH TO RUN AWAY FROM EVERYTHING.i swear i'm super tired thinking of projects and stuff!
i can only afford to chill last weekend for a drive wif the girls; aspa and shab.had a great time chatting non-stop.HAHA.apart from that i had no time to meet the rest of my frens,either their time is clash with mine or what.i dun even have time to meet nani.usually we tend to meet like 2-3 times a week!now....its difficult to even meet once a sorry nani,its okay you have your bf to accompany your days.hehe
i have some photos taken like ages back.not really ages la..2 months back i guess?okay here it is.outing wif my poly of the girls bdae! not me.HAFIZAH HAMID. & nope they are not from my duh.schoolmates.hope my blog is not wordy for you!SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA!
P.S: i'm not going out today i guess.i need finish my report!& rest maybe?if there is time.SO MUCH TO DO SO LITTLE TIME.and to all my frens,bestfrens,best pals,best mates,aquaintance,IF I NEVE MEET YOU DOSEN'T MEAN I DUN LOVE YA.I STILL DO,I SERIOUSLY HAD NO TYME.IM SORRY.JUST GIVE ME A KOL IF YOU FEEL LIKE TALKING TO ME.IM ALWAYS THERE.(for calls only at this moment) +_0
its PH finally.i wanted to see the korban this morning,but couldn't wake up so ya.ytd's eve of raya was like f***.i had project to do till like 9 im still in skool.neve do till that late b4.had to do it cos if i dun,i have to come today?like HALO.its holiday right??to tell you seriously i have no time to rest peacefully for the past few weeks.
i kinda regret working part time.yes for the sake of extra money,i had to work.actually when come to think of it,i dun really need it,actually i just wanted to 'get away' from home this month.if you know why.but after knowing all the projects that i have to do,time away from home is definately there.i had to have lotsa project meeting and discussions!plus the skooling hour sucks lately.then nearing weekend,i'm all plan for part time work!how sucky can that be.I REALLY WISH TO RUN AWAY FROM EVERYTHING.i swear i'm super tired thinking of projects and stuff!
i can only afford to chill last weekend for a drive wif the girls; aspa and shab.had a great time chatting non-stop.HAHA.apart from that i had no time to meet the rest of my frens,either their time is clash with mine or what.i dun even have time to meet nani.usually we tend to meet like 2-3 times a week!now....its difficult to even meet once a sorry nani,its okay you have your bf to accompany your days.hehe
i have some photos taken like ages back.not really ages la..2 months back i guess?okay here it is.outing wif my poly of the girls bdae! not me.HAFIZAH HAMID. & nope they are not from my duh.schoolmates.hope my blog is not wordy for you!SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA!
P.S: i'm not going out today i guess.i need finish my report!& rest maybe?if there is time.SO MUCH TO DO SO LITTLE TIME.and to all my frens,bestfrens,best pals,best mates,aquaintance,IF I NEVE MEET YOU DOSEN'T MEAN I DUN LOVE YA.I STILL DO,I SERIOUSLY HAD NO TYME.IM SORRY.JUST GIVE ME A KOL IF YOU FEEL LIKE TALKING TO ME.IM ALWAYS THERE.(for calls only at this moment) +_0
Thursday, November 4, 2010
eve of diwali!(mcm paham)
i feel like blogging i did.shall just talk about the sucky week that ive been thru aite.i bet no one reads my post so i shall just might as well make it like my diary entry.HAHA.cos i was trying to have a paper pen diary kinda thing but it sucks.cos i hate writing,long tyme ago i last write except for lately writing skool notes.typing is way faster and i think nicer handwritting sucks.i keep changing my handwritting as to dunno which one seems betta(all sucks actuali).
im having school right now,right at this moment as i am typing,am having sucks.i began to master the multi-task of listening and typing(doing my personal stuff).i also do have the ability to choose what i wanna hear.sounds amazng right?haha!actuali its more of a family brother and me have the same ability unlike my sis.she's forever LISTENING.and that is super irritating.cos she wants to know every little thing we talk about.(not necessary most of the tyme)
niwaes,the point is,everyone in this class is super smangat listening to lectures whereby im here blogging.but the thing is,when the lecturer ask questions,they are speechless.I AM THE ONE ANSWERING.(mostly correctly)(round of applause for me pls). not smart according to them,im the most bimbotic idiot around the school of science.believe me,my course is full of craps(studious people,geeks)around with like books and suitcase walking,rushing for the next class kinda faces.i felt so much worst after my clan of people(mlayu rox) gone for attachments.i felt like a loner in school having to force and be like one of them BUT WHEN I DUN FEEL like being any part of them,which i always do,i will walk away,have my lunch one corNAR,call members,talk(mcm org tak civilise).in class,msn(wif members tebiats,namely nani rp,(sucks oso,i mean her school duh),farah at aussie den ketawe mcm sial sorg),google,online window shopping are my next bff.
i have the biggest lateset confession,i hate sucks.the process of it sucks.the best part i always get the WRONG GROUP when it comes to group for design project is lepak and they only cling on hope to this one girl,and when i gave ideas,they kinda reject it,like as if im super stupid!?then there was one idiot member even called me stupid for that.WTF kan.i hate you.i swear i will remember what you've said the rest of my life and make sure you pay for what you've said.
as for the fyp group, i got one of the best(geeks) teamates for it.the positive side is we are working well,duh wif the geeks around,but,the negative side is they have become my me morning calls to ensure that i wokeup for the meetings and stuff.even my mum is not as irritating as them.i swear.
I MADE THE WRONG DECISION of watching THE LAST wasn't scary at all!i swear.
and the hilarious thing. the bus ride home was super funny when the bus jam brake and my fren was having a greaT TURN TWISTING around as if she was doing some kinda ballet steps.HAHA.super hilarious.i was laughing my head off when i saw that!my face was as red as babboon's butt.i hate bus drivers.
im super excited for tmr.hope today ends fast!eve of deepavali you know(step celebrate).no point actuali,had work 300mins later.HAHA.HAPPY DEEPAVALI to all indians and those who celebrate!!
ps:i wonder at times if you are my fren.when you need me you hang on me but if you dun,you just simply cast me could you?
im having school right now,right at this moment as i am typing,am having sucks.i began to master the multi-task of listening and typing(doing my personal stuff).i also do have the ability to choose what i wanna hear.sounds amazng right?haha!actuali its more of a family brother and me have the same ability unlike my sis.she's forever LISTENING.and that is super irritating.cos she wants to know every little thing we talk about.(not necessary most of the tyme)
niwaes,the point is,everyone in this class is super smangat listening to lectures whereby im here blogging.but the thing is,when the lecturer ask questions,they are speechless.I AM THE ONE ANSWERING.(mostly correctly)(round of applause for me pls). not smart according to them,im the most bimbotic idiot around the school of science.believe me,my course is full of craps(studious people,geeks)around with like books and suitcase walking,rushing for the next class kinda faces.i felt so much worst after my clan of people(mlayu rox) gone for attachments.i felt like a loner in school having to force and be like one of them BUT WHEN I DUN FEEL like being any part of them,which i always do,i will walk away,have my lunch one corNAR,call members,talk(mcm org tak civilise).in class,msn(wif members tebiats,namely nani rp,(sucks oso,i mean her school duh),farah at aussie den ketawe mcm sial sorg),google,online window shopping are my next bff.
i have the biggest lateset confession,i hate sucks.the process of it sucks.the best part i always get the WRONG GROUP when it comes to group for design project is lepak and they only cling on hope to this one girl,and when i gave ideas,they kinda reject it,like as if im super stupid!?then there was one idiot member even called me stupid for that.WTF kan.i hate you.i swear i will remember what you've said the rest of my life and make sure you pay for what you've said.
as for the fyp group, i got one of the best(geeks) teamates for it.the positive side is we are working well,duh wif the geeks around,but,the negative side is they have become my me morning calls to ensure that i wokeup for the meetings and stuff.even my mum is not as irritating as them.i swear.
I MADE THE WRONG DECISION of watching THE LAST wasn't scary at all!i swear.
i had bout 1and half hour of shopping time alone ytd while waiting my fren end work and b4 we could proceed for the i had good time looking stuff(art stuff) at spotlight which excites me,thinking bout changing my theme for the party,LOL.went daiso,looking at all the stuffs which make me dizzy and end up buying a packet of caramel corn,den went ahead to times and yes at last the book is there!the one ive been looking wasn't there when i came a month ago.saw it,grab it.keching!(gaji bru masok babe)I THINK I LIKE THIS WORK.(part time)cos they give the pay quite the pervious works,like on the 7th,last day of first week then we got.i love you work(money wise)!
im super excited for tmr.hope today ends fast!eve of deepavali you know(step celebrate).no point actuali,had work 300mins later.HAHA.HAPPY DEEPAVALI to all indians and those who celebrate!!
ps:i wonder at times if you are my fren.when you need me you hang on me but if you dun,you just simply cast me could you?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
hazzzy,cold day!
Dear diary,
you know what?i like the weather today!last weekend was great one though,went out with the poly mates have dinner at NABIN'S!awesome!(still waiting for the photos)they(poly mates) like to keep the photos themselves.maybe they keep it,hang it in their rooms for personal view.(like hang around the bedrrom photos of me,stalking me in a way)HAHA.AND I LOVE last friday meetup with BFF.was damn bitchy and whiny mode as usual reporting news for the ya BFF!
and i swear i hate all bus drivers.fine not all,but literally most of them.i thot i might not be the victim of chasing after bus when its going off soon.but ytd, particularly ytd,ended work late,and i was particularly irritated when i have to use this coins(case card tkde duit) taking trains and ytd after the train ride back home,as usual i will take feeder bus back home.154 to be know that bitch bus always do come at long 30 minutes after one is gone.i dun like waiting that LONG,like after a tiring day at work?and plus i need to rush home and see the handsome upon seeing the board for the timing,and it states 7.36pm the next bus is out, and the screen shows 7.35,then i saw this idiot bus coming out, without thinking much,i ran like mad dog,crazy bull chasing after the bus.i think i sprint like the world's best runner,(i know everyone had their eyes on me)and i managed to catchup with the in my heart was like THANK GOD.but know what,upon reaching two more steps.THE FUCKER APEK DRIVER SLAM THE DOOR CLOSED ON ME!LIKE OKAY??!FUCK OFF.i wave like mad crazy,I bloody know he could have seen me,or at least could have realised or maybe not but NO HE SAW ME OBVIOUSLY HE HAD TO CHECK THE BLINDSPOT.HE JUST WENT OFF LIKE THAT??WTF.and i jolly well know there's passengers in the bus,they were not helping at all!EITHER THEY SAW ME and pretend not to see me?or they were blindly ignoring me??
i swear im not gonna help telling apek(driver) to wait for some idiots chasing the bus(i did that before to people).and after which i was too embarrassed,too much embarassement till i can't afford to wait for the next,and i dun even dare turning my head around revealing my identity to people behind me,i began walking and cursing like a mad heart was beating fast after the run and i was super thirsty!DAMN YOU APEK.i swear you get it back in a way!
i think my life's gonna be -____________- next week.skool STARTs tmr.lotsa long breaks in between.lesson ends most of my classmates went for their left all cool can that be??and my coming soon weekend gonna be burn with part time job.great.have a nice day fieza.todududu.i think im making my blog like personal diary.IM SORRY.i should get a book(i dun care if its fancy or not)to jot down my diary entries.and not blog about it.LOL.i should restrict my blog for photos of outings or for thoughts and view on pulic issues and not some personal life issues?(okay im guilty of that lately)hehe.can't help it.oh well, i dun go great details of what i did,do, feel right?or else that's not gonna end.HAHA.but then again if you have read this far,im sure you are a fan of my post right?
SO...CHILL, I WILL BE A BETTA BLOGGER NEXT time!oh btw,just watched 'WHEN IN ROME' just hours ago.out of the blue bought the vcd ytd.ITS A GREAT ROMANTIC MOVIE.quite hilarious though!i loike!and been buying expensive lunch for breaks lately.cos i wanted to avoid FASTFOOD.trying to be healthy and actually im sick of it too!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Dear diary,
i know this post is totally unecessary.but i kinda can't help it but to tell you guys my first gym experience after so long.the last i went was about a year back.or maybe that's the reason why you see fatty bom bom me.HAHA.well i start the runnings now.went to gym just now.its totally kinda much as i dun wanna report my movements but i gotta tell you fren and i *exercise buddy* were the two giggly girls 'experimenting' the gym equipments and when we find out something 'new' like how to make the seat shorter(cos i am but not my fren,oh well),we laughed mcm pompan biol.or worst.the hunkies in the gym were giving us this strange looks.gimme a break okay??like pls sometimes you need to have fun.not like monotonous exercising routine,then again,that explains your body sizeS! was AWESOME OVERALL.i sweat like crazy though in an aircon area so you can see the tremendous job we did!HAHA
I'VE CANCELED one of my mission,craving.the most important one.getting a part time job!i really do hope i can do well for the first day tmr!i'm like thinking where can i go for break tmr??(break je nak eh)yalah the area i'm working is like where all the high class goods being sold??where can i can cheap drinks and slack at?maybe i spend time walking around the shopping centre like an idiot.HOPE that my feverish feeling go off and my gastric not acting up like ytd!i shall pray hard.hope that this wikend gonna be betta!looking forward to it!love all my best girlfriends!i kinda miss all of you!!!MAR(neve catchup for so long),NANI,UMZ,ASPA,SHAB,SYARA and the list goes on.....
i know this post is totally unecessary.but i kinda can't help it but to tell you guys my first gym experience after so long.the last i went was about a year back.or maybe that's the reason why you see fatty bom bom me.HAHA.well i start the runnings now.went to gym just now.its totally kinda much as i dun wanna report my movements but i gotta tell you fren and i *exercise buddy* were the two giggly girls 'experimenting' the gym equipments and when we find out something 'new' like how to make the seat shorter(cos i am but not my fren,oh well),we laughed mcm pompan biol.or worst.the hunkies in the gym were giving us this strange looks.gimme a break okay??like pls sometimes you need to have fun.not like monotonous exercising routine,then again,that explains your body sizeS! was AWESOME OVERALL.i sweat like crazy though in an aircon area so you can see the tremendous job we did!HAHA
I'VE CANCELED one of my mission,craving.the most important one.getting a part time job!i really do hope i can do well for the first day tmr!i'm like thinking where can i go for break tmr??(break je nak eh)yalah the area i'm working is like where all the high class goods being sold??where can i can cheap drinks and slack at?maybe i spend time walking around the shopping centre like an idiot.HOPE that my feverish feeling go off and my gastric not acting up like ytd!i shall pray hard.hope that this wikend gonna be betta!looking forward to it!love all my best girlfriends!i kinda miss all of you!!!MAR(neve catchup for so long),NANI,UMZ,ASPA,SHAB,SYARA and the list goes on.....
Friday, October 8, 2010
it was an AWESOME trip overall though we were caght in the rain at the last hours in there.we both had fun though *muke budak2*,since no one wants to entertain us going for this zoo trip,we had to entertain ourselves.& i especially enjoy the boat ride!!i think nani enjoy that too.well,kite dua feeling2 mcm going to some island taking ferry ride.HAHA.& we start babling if only we could go for a holiday to some island surrounded wif water,erm not Singapore for sure!& i think we both took too much of the tram ride since we bought the tix for it,making the full use of it,too much of the tram rides till one of the driver recognised us and we need not produce the tix!HAHA.he was like ''it's okay,i rememer you''LOL.
*both our faces were as red as baboon's butt*
and the hilarious part was we saw the white tigers,doing some lovey dovey looks kinda digusting and wrong.pls do it in your den,secluded area.even the elephants were doing it after the show.another EWW.sungguh tk senonoh. and i didn't know that animals also do understand human language. the ah mengs clan were busy eating bananas when the the tourist had a 'meetup' live session wif of the ah mengs was facing the other side,then the zookeeper slap his butt ''eh people wanna take photo!'' then he slowly turn around facing us wif his reluctant face.HAHA.den nani & me had sucha wild dream,wishing that we could work there wif the animals.talking to them,feed them,clean them.i think its betta than working wif human beings,well atleast they don't answer back verbally...-________-
& finally we had expensive dinner that night _l_
and i want to go Zoukout 2010!!tiesto is gonna be david guetta.but the thing is,the tix is f***ing zoukout,gonna be like a mass dance thing,whereby all the sweat shit smell you can think off gonna come up.well normal clubbing i can entertain but when there is a big party,haizzz.all the gatals,retards drunkards gonna be there. but i wanna go!!well,im just gonna dance and enjoy the performance thats all.hope i get green llight to go!i hope sooo.
fieza hanz
Monday, September 27, 2010
F1 again...
random update actuali.just felt like babling while charging mp3.i'm super duper tired after entertaining the guests.i hope dad shall not have another ''OPEN HOUSE'' nimore.its fun wif people coming to vist,but ofcos mum having to cook and me having to wash all the crapz was not fun at all.Niwaes,F1 just now was....AWESOME.expected the winner duh.but the thing i couldn't imagine is...HAMILTON was not able to complete it.AWWWW.dah so smangat si Nicole tu amik gambar dia kan b4 the race...suay agaknye take picture b4 race...hehe.nvm Hamilton,its not always good to be a winner,sometimes you just have to feel being a loser(in a good way) i mean,if everyone is a winner...who's gonna be the loser?hee hee.& please dun vent the anger on the steering wheel.poor innocent s.wheel! -____- you shall win in the more upcoming race okay??nvm,you have hot sexy babe to console you tonight ritez?think on the positive side okay.HEHE.congratz to ferrari,F.Alonso! ^ ^
tmr shall be it!hope its gonna happen for real! prepared for accomplice and me to make way to YOU guys!!and what shall i wear tmr???hmm..oh not to forget our RAYBAN shades!HEHE.
fieza hanz
tmr shall be it!hope its gonna happen for real! prepared for accomplice and me to make way to YOU guys!!and what shall i wear tmr???hmm..oh not to forget our RAYBAN shades!HEHE.
fieza hanz
Saturday, September 25, 2010
cancelled the zoo trip again again.tsk.hope that it will come true.soon.very soon.LOL.mcm nk pergi mane je eh?padahal ZOO?okla tu kan.the weather have been not so good lately kan...i'm just afraid that if we go we would be stuck in the rain.with the hippos.with the tigers.with the name it.that will be super hilarious right?silap2 aku berendam sbelah hippo.
mum and dad went out for raya outings again today.with the Eman's pa and ma(mamak way of calling).didn't follow them.didn't i said i dun celebrate raya nimore after the second week?yerp so i was excluded.wan and gang raya session is gonna be tmr.i was exempted becos i was sick?HAHA.hmm.hopefully i'm not gonna be REALLY sick.actually i wanna watched F1.LIVE.on TV.hoho.well, its like once in the blue moon you get to see that right?(oh, thats becos i'd love to be like them,girls version)well, maybe i can't drive,but believe me i can drift.HAHA.
it was a mistake to on FB just now.wanted to help aspa to get jerry's number and to chat wif cha(aspa's fren ,so yeah).was about to logoff den decided to make a stupid move.look into his fb account.i kinda dunno why i'm fren wif him nimore.becos he was history.deleted him.and his fren.period.its way betta than blocking people from viewing wall post right?(familiar?)i felt so much better a burden off from my chest.AWESOME.sudddenly,chey suddenly kape.yeah skali this fren of POP.out chatting wif me,this boy is like a raya boy,why i name him raya boy?cos he always wanted to visit my hommie for raya wif his frens(mostly i know cos its like my pri skool frens, eunos community).aku sumpah tk kuase nk jalan raye bersame lagi eh.he wanted to come for raya.on MON.(act mcm paham,''okay maybe aku ade ah.pape picet " *in the heart was like...RAYE BARU NK CARIK aku?).FREAK.den he step gerek wif me ''kau nak join kite after that?join ah'..'TKNK PULAK??
and my poly mates wanted to jalan raya the coming sat,ARGH!!i just feel like saying NOOOO!!!but i really do miss them.its been sucha long time neve mit them!the reason why i Really dun wanna go...its becos all of them stay in the WEST!ALL.i'm the only freak stays in the EAST.imagine me having to make my way back alone wif baju kurong plus a weekend plus its nearly end of raya next week??i'm in dilemma.HAHA.mcm paham.they can come my house if they want to.i welcome them.its just.i dun wanna join them jalan.thats all.
i wanna do something about my hair.but i dunno what.i'm content wif the length maybe not the texture?-_-
its raining outside right?its good weather to sleep!btw,i'm just sharing this.i'm gonna be auntie to another lil pie soon.november i guess.part of me is excited.cos its gonna be a niece!girl rox!wtv i know.Eman is gonna have cute kan.mcm kecik2 dah ade cousin.i dunno but mcm kelakar.part of me is i'm gonna be stressed again.its not as if i'm gonna take care of the niece but they are gonna move in here for 4 MONTHS!cos its like afterbirth,maternity leave thingy.and my sis have been so excited & looking forward about spending her days here.duh its her home,she can't be spending her maternity leaves at her PIL(parents in law) house.cos she have to go for urut and stuff.pfft.why can't they just skip the urut session and stuff??so troublesome.leceh you know!cos wif her around,my life is gonna be hell again.well, i hope not wif newborn around.

mum and dad went out for raya outings again today.with the Eman's pa and ma(mamak way of calling).didn't follow them.didn't i said i dun celebrate raya nimore after the second week?yerp so i was excluded.wan and gang raya session is gonna be tmr.i was exempted becos i was sick?HAHA.hmm.hopefully i'm not gonna be REALLY sick.actually i wanna watched F1.LIVE.on TV.hoho.well, its like once in the blue moon you get to see that right?(oh, thats becos i'd love to be like them,girls version)well, maybe i can't drive,but believe me i can drift.HAHA.
it was a mistake to on FB just now.wanted to help aspa to get jerry's number and to chat wif cha(aspa's fren ,so yeah).was about to logoff den decided to make a stupid move.look into his fb account.i kinda dunno why i'm fren wif him nimore.becos he was history.deleted him.and his fren.period.its way betta than blocking people from viewing wall post right?(familiar?)i felt so much better a burden off from my chest.AWESOME.sudddenly,chey suddenly kape.yeah skali this fren of POP.out chatting wif me,this boy is like a raya boy,why i name him raya boy?cos he always wanted to visit my hommie for raya wif his frens(mostly i know cos its like my pri skool frens, eunos community).aku sumpah tk kuase nk jalan raye bersame lagi eh.he wanted to come for raya.on MON.(act mcm paham,''okay maybe aku ade ah.pape picet " *in the heart was like...RAYE BARU NK CARIK aku?).FREAK.den he step gerek wif me ''kau nak join kite after that?join ah'..'TKNK PULAK??
and my poly mates wanted to jalan raya the coming sat,ARGH!!i just feel like saying NOOOO!!!but i really do miss them.its been sucha long time neve mit them!the reason why i Really dun wanna go...its becos all of them stay in the WEST!ALL.i'm the only freak stays in the EAST.imagine me having to make my way back alone wif baju kurong plus a weekend plus its nearly end of raya next week??i'm in dilemma.HAHA.mcm paham.they can come my house if they want to.i welcome them.its just.i dun wanna join them jalan.thats all.
i wanna do something about my hair.but i dunno what.i'm content wif the length maybe not the texture?-_-
its raining outside right?its good weather to sleep!btw,i'm just sharing this.i'm gonna be auntie to another lil pie soon.november i guess.part of me is excited.cos its gonna be a niece!girl rox!wtv i know.Eman is gonna have cute kan.mcm kecik2 dah ade cousin.i dunno but mcm kelakar.part of me is i'm gonna be stressed again.its not as if i'm gonna take care of the niece but they are gonna move in here for 4 MONTHS!cos its like afterbirth,maternity leave thingy.and my sis have been so excited & looking forward about spending her days here.duh its her home,she can't be spending her maternity leaves at her PIL(parents in law) house.cos she have to go for urut and stuff.pfft.why can't they just skip the urut session and stuff??so troublesome.leceh you know!cos wif her around,my life is gonna be hell again.well, i hope not wif newborn around.
raya at nani's!

wif aspa and her future bro in law....lalalala.
ex-colleague came for food (duh) and celebration.they bought me hamper (so familiar),usually i bought the fruits for the basket.HAHA.and in the hamper there's BOOKS!aww.the uncle still remember me heh.gonna read it soon!i think,i miss them,in a way.
fieza hanz
Sunday, September 19, 2010
EID photos plus plus!
1st day raya!!
![]() |
2ND DAY!woots. |
our movie date outing!^ ^
okay that was last minute hairdo for photoshoot!curls for the shoot! ^ ^
PS: I DUN WANNA GO ANOTHER Raya outings/open hse pls!!!im tired of it!pls dun force me to!!!!+_0
Sunday, September 12, 2010
i hope im not the last to wish you guys out there SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!woots.if i do happen to offend you guys,i seek for your forgiveness.and i do hope you guys enjoy all the outings and food eh!dun be sucha bimbo trying to avoid fatty stuff and seating one corNAR refusing to eat (guilty of that actually)IM NOT AVOIDING food.its just I DUN FEEL like eating cos all the food dun look appetizing.period.oh well raya,typical dishes.rendang,ketupat bla bla bla as the list goes down.
next,two of my frens have asked me these question.DO I REALLY LIKE RAYA?to tell you seriously,i do not really enjoy it as much as i do during my younger days.not becos i get less money(in fact i get more red colour this year, dah besar kan)but its becos sometimes,i do feel like its just a procedure kinda of thing.i prefer ramadhan betta, call me a freak,but i do like something different.
reasons for not realli liking Raya,firstly,you have to ask forgiveness,okay that is a good thing i know.but me being not so good at arranging my malay sentence,go all betarabuh trying to ask forgiveness from my parents and grandmas.i do ask from my sis, but not my brother and thus i kinda feel bad.
next,when people ask for forgiveness that means after that they won't do anything bad or talk bad about the other party right after that??its not for some people.they are what we call two faced people/split personality/tebiat minute crying and stuff asking for minute they one corNAR gossip about that person they just asked for forgiveness.i really DO NOT understand them.
next,every year,i have to go about the same routine.each year i will look like a criminal/suspect have to answer questions from the 'investigator' asking my brother's whereabouts.well those who know my family stuff they will understand.i dislike my dad's side to put it in a nice way.but I DO Love all my cuzzies from both side.they are nice living far no issues wif them except for with the typical minah twins twat. i dislike some of my aunties and uncles from my dad's side.first,they being so bitchy and laser at times, always like to talk unnecessary stuff which somehow sometimes hurt people's feeling w/o of them i know loves to judge people.i know you do even when you dun spit out.last year,this auntie 'observe' one of my cuz in sucha weird becos she do not really have good education plus dress up not appropriately,not wearing hijab.this year,my abit of a minah cuz changed,transform to be betta,alhamdulilah.already wearing tudong,plus duh have to dressup appropriately,my auntie like kinda 'like'/ 'approve' her.and now she kinda 'observe' me give this kinda weird look.okay thats becos my other cuzzins that are not wearing tudong all either older/younger than me.the ones about my age are all thats the reason i got those strange glances from her.
WE do not judge by one physical look right??its up to us to wear or not right?maybe im just not ready for it yet?cos its a freaking huge responsibility for me.a huge change i have to go thru if i want to wear it.the major one is i can't hang out late wif the matS motorS.its just not appropriate right?i dun wanna be 'minah tudong' okay.the title is given out to those wear tudong but neve hold the responsible well.again who are we to judge.
next,those org TPs (tak puase) seems to Raya more than us.LOL right.they act as if they do full month course of fasting.WOW.haha.again up to them la kan.but its just so contradicting.this story is about one of guy fren whom happen to like fast as and when he like but ytd when he texted me to wish raya,i thot he was busy working(dun expect him to celebrate raya) but he was like''EH mesti aku amek cuti,raya sak.mau jalan raya,makan2!'' kay bro,bawak betenang -_________-
next,people do make surprise visiting when you dont expect them.this was especially for my dad's side.they said wanted to visit my house ytd at about 12pm.about 12 means,,11,11 plus,12,12 plus right?not like...1040am????freak.i just wokeup wif my messy retarded hairstyle plus big jersey (pass down from brudder) walking like a zombie 'salam' freaking laser uncle was like ''eh kau pakai kain ah sarong!''intend to say that i can't wear my shorts.its not that short of a shorts,u get what i mean,like not hotpants?its shorts but knee length.okay what kan?baru bgn tdo what?malas ah nk change.then the laser uncle's wife which is my laser auntie(padan la tu, husband and wife)look at me one kind.cos i do seems to give this wtf look and walk towards the kitchen 'voluntarily' helping guys are sucha hassle what?janji palsu.kasi timing mrepek -______- and after which force me to siap fast to go out suke ati aku la nk keluar what time.
lastly, for me,raya is all about waiting,testing my patience.really.wait for siblings to come,wait for relatives to make a move to next house, wait for people to get ready,come visting.wait for this and that, bla bla bla.sucha hassle!
aniwaes,i do not wish to have any raya outings nimore after maybe shall be my last.LOL.niwaes,(tkde link jap) wassup with our neighbour country,lotsa crimes committed.murder,rob,kidnap,rape,'dump' thankful for being in sucha peaceful country!peace! ^ ^
i hope this friday's photoshoot turns out good!...hope no problem arouse...hmm...lalala.
next,two of my frens have asked me these question.DO I REALLY LIKE RAYA?to tell you seriously,i do not really enjoy it as much as i do during my younger days.not becos i get less money(in fact i get more red colour this year, dah besar kan)but its becos sometimes,i do feel like its just a procedure kinda of thing.i prefer ramadhan betta, call me a freak,but i do like something different.
reasons for not realli liking Raya,firstly,you have to ask forgiveness,okay that is a good thing i know.but me being not so good at arranging my malay sentence,go all betarabuh trying to ask forgiveness from my parents and grandmas.i do ask from my sis, but not my brother and thus i kinda feel bad.
next,when people ask for forgiveness that means after that they won't do anything bad or talk bad about the other party right after that??its not for some people.they are what we call two faced people/split personality/tebiat minute crying and stuff asking for minute they one corNAR gossip about that person they just asked for forgiveness.i really DO NOT understand them.
next,every year,i have to go about the same routine.each year i will look like a criminal/suspect have to answer questions from the 'investigator' asking my brother's whereabouts.well those who know my family stuff they will understand.i dislike my dad's side to put it in a nice way.but I DO Love all my cuzzies from both side.they are nice living far no issues wif them except for with the typical minah twins twat. i dislike some of my aunties and uncles from my dad's side.first,they being so bitchy and laser at times, always like to talk unnecessary stuff which somehow sometimes hurt people's feeling w/o of them i know loves to judge people.i know you do even when you dun spit out.last year,this auntie 'observe' one of my cuz in sucha weird becos she do not really have good education plus dress up not appropriately,not wearing hijab.this year,my abit of a minah cuz changed,transform to be betta,alhamdulilah.already wearing tudong,plus duh have to dressup appropriately,my auntie like kinda 'like'/ 'approve' her.and now she kinda 'observe' me give this kinda weird look.okay thats becos my other cuzzins that are not wearing tudong all either older/younger than me.the ones about my age are all thats the reason i got those strange glances from her.
WE do not judge by one physical look right??its up to us to wear or not right?maybe im just not ready for it yet?cos its a freaking huge responsibility for me.a huge change i have to go thru if i want to wear it.the major one is i can't hang out late wif the matS motorS.its just not appropriate right?i dun wanna be 'minah tudong' okay.the title is given out to those wear tudong but neve hold the responsible well.again who are we to judge.
next,those org TPs (tak puase) seems to Raya more than us.LOL right.they act as if they do full month course of fasting.WOW.haha.again up to them la kan.but its just so contradicting.this story is about one of guy fren whom happen to like fast as and when he like but ytd when he texted me to wish raya,i thot he was busy working(dun expect him to celebrate raya) but he was like''EH mesti aku amek cuti,raya sak.mau jalan raya,makan2!'' kay bro,bawak betenang -_________-
next,people do make surprise visiting when you dont expect them.this was especially for my dad's side.they said wanted to visit my house ytd at about 12pm.about 12 means,,11,11 plus,12,12 plus right?not like...1040am????freak.i just wokeup wif my messy retarded hairstyle plus big jersey (pass down from brudder) walking like a zombie 'salam' freaking laser uncle was like ''eh kau pakai kain ah sarong!''intend to say that i can't wear my shorts.its not that short of a shorts,u get what i mean,like not hotpants?its shorts but knee length.okay what kan?baru bgn tdo what?malas ah nk change.then the laser uncle's wife which is my laser auntie(padan la tu, husband and wife)look at me one kind.cos i do seems to give this wtf look and walk towards the kitchen 'voluntarily' helping guys are sucha hassle what?janji palsu.kasi timing mrepek -______- and after which force me to siap fast to go out suke ati aku la nk keluar what time.
lastly, for me,raya is all about waiting,testing my patience.really.wait for siblings to come,wait for relatives to make a move to next house, wait for people to get ready,come visting.wait for this and that, bla bla bla.sucha hassle!
aniwaes,i do not wish to have any raya outings nimore after maybe shall be my last.LOL.niwaes,(tkde link jap) wassup with our neighbour country,lotsa crimes committed.murder,rob,kidnap,rape,'dump' thankful for being in sucha peaceful country!peace! ^ ^
i hope this friday's photoshoot turns out good!...hope no problem arouse...hmm...lalala.
a gift from one of my cuzzy.she seems to noe im obsessed wif this BREADOU stuff.there was once i squeeze the stuff at the shop till its squashed up and KOYAK.HAHA.tragic pe.
Friday, September 3, 2010
baking mode
ytd was our 'rajin' baking mood.nani decided to come my place for baking session.initially we wanted to do one brownies only.but later during our visit to the supermarket,it seems that everything is nice for the premix oreo slice,and bla we bought the ingredients for brownies and the premix oreo slice.HAHA.(prangai tamak i know).then later after doin that both,we were like,...its all in small why not do another recipe??(super smangat).so there we are going down again buy the ingredients for our cookies.nani was smangat wif the cookies at first but after baking technical faults(we had no choice but to bake in a???HAHA.)the cookies turn out burnt at the beginning,like totally dark,black,hitam hangus,chau ta?but later some turn out better...? the 3 recipes we made were; oreo slice,brownies,chewy chocolate chip cookies(yar TOTALLY chewy indeed)the only thing that turns out SUPER GOOD was our brownies!shud'nt have done the rest and do more of brownies right?nah its okay.its good to experiment wif stuff.
okay this was done about 4 days before.its a traditional malay kuih ondeh ondeh(i tasted two or three only).mom gave me the recipe to do it.she bought the ingredients all so the thing i have to do is just make it.produce it.LOL.
had this at pasatamania for break fast that day.satisfy my craving for pizza!on that particular day was super funny.okay i dunno whether its funny to you but yar, my fren and i didn't know whether dah azan ke i was like ''eh chkout that dude,he drink oreadi(b4 that he was oso in the kinda waiting mode wif the gf)''but my fren was like''no la,skali dia tk puase ke....?''den the minah tudongs all start drinking and this fren of mine was like ''EH AZAN READI LA.MAKAN AH''chewah stereotype pe ni budak.she dun follow the example of the mat,but budak pakai tudong je dia believe.haiz.typical.den i was like''ntah si tudongs tu pon puase?''(trying to be sarcastic)den she gave me this kinda unbelievable mode,and i realised i was harsh wif the words the table next to us malay couple can oso hear,and ltr trying to correct my words''ntah maybe they mense??''we both then laughed mcm org giler!!den i realised it was a bimbotic pls la there was like 4/5 minah tudongs there??tkkan all menses together??HAHAHAHAHA.
and i have traded in my psp for a new mp3.didn't really need psp nimore right?just need to listen to songs.but i kinda regret it in a way for buying it(psp) at a high price but later traded for much way cheaper than sadded.
chauchinchau till next update
P.s: i haven't really clean my house/room for raya and its week??friday!damn.have about a week more?where shall i begin???malas la...-____________-
Monday, August 30, 2010
is it so difficult to meet people?look, i never met him for so long.i even forget when was the last we met?look you are just another person in my life so i dun need to prioritse your needs and timings right?i dun hang out wif you guys dosen't mean i wanna push you guys aside from my life right?so dun friggin make assumptions?if i wanted to do that i would have long time ago.your thinking and mind just dosen't click anymore get it?ohmygawd.i felt like singing my hearts out the IMPOSSIBLE song to shouting mode i guess.if you do have personal problems dun take it out on me.period.i wanna be a good girl?so what?its a GOOD positive thing.mind your own business.if you wanted to be baddies,by all means i dun care cos you dun owe me a living right?
i dun wanna meet you guys anymore.i dun wish content wif a bunch of close buddies by my side.i dun need more than that for now.had lotsa time socializing with you.i had my done for now.i want to change for the betta.i dun like myself.but have to be grateful for what i a total depressed.LOL tragic.
depressed idiot
i dun wanna meet you guys anymore.i dun wish content wif a bunch of close buddies by my side.i dun need more than that for now.had lotsa time socializing with you.i had my done for now.i want to change for the betta.i dun like myself.but have to be grateful for what i a total depressed.LOL tragic.
depressed idiot
Sunday, August 22, 2010
the last day of attachment
this was my last final art piece at 'MDL' b4 i left for good.i did no work at all on my final day except for taking photos, counting down the hrs to d last hour...woots.
photos taken at the yeah.look at my selekeh messy hair day at verk!
& these are the items i'm gonna miss there during my attachment:
my dear laminating machine which i'm super pro at now...(btw i didn't take this picture.some ppl did it la and its in my camera.LOL) |
my bestfren's list which i've written at the top and they laughed like no tmr when they first saw it.(THIS TOO WAS NOT TAKEN BY ME,IM CLUELESS) |
and i added myself to the list for being a bhaiya for about two weeks plus one day.(THIS TOO!?) |
flower shop gang.& d bhai mcm paham pose.i just realised the strip auntie Angie is like posing wif one eyebrow cute heh!HAHA.(btw, she's a fan of MJ) |
after work, i had to go to an improptu dinner which i didn't intend to go but becos of goodie bag(muke kanak2) i sacrificed the night for some lame dinner that they had to represent the company for the housekeeping night for all the hotels in Singapore.becos our clients are mostly hotels, so they invited us for it.boss didn't want to go so the IDIOTs had to.heh was held at Conrad.i was only fascinated by the arts and goodie bag!weee~ picture wif the admin (we both dun dressed up for the event) a.k.a my bitchy partner apart from the boys(cos chipette busy wif the bf).i think my eyes is smaller than a born chinese person.ihateitokay!niwaes, our company staffs were the only IDIOTs dressed up shabbily i can say.except KONG's gf that came along wearing the theme, white kebaya. i have to admit although her kebaya wasn't that nice but she look great cos,well when a person wear other race outfit they will look outstanding right, in a way?btw,KONGs gf looks gorgeous in a way not like typical cina and erm..dosen't suits wif KONG.but what is love right?i know...okay niwaes if i knew about it earlier i would have dressed up according to the theme okay if not oso wear something elegant, formal & not like ''after work look''??at first i was malu.but then,i realised i was the youngest there and i need not impress anyone cos they all mostly above 30s..BORING...zzzZZZ.and i dun have to compete looking great & YOUNG?hehe.
the theme was PERANAKAN NIGHT.nice!our table's 18 and the company won the 'lucky draw' & i know chipette wanted to collect the PRIZE so much but KONGs gf went up instead.okayla since she wear the theme let her be...but it wasn't really fair though to chipette(she's a staff of our company) cos she looks kinda jealous after the gf collect the price from the stage and received compliment by the host(oh well the host complimented on all winners but maybe in chipette's mind and by the way she look she know she would have received the compliment instead if she were to be on stage.hehe.btw, she's not wearing the theme but sexy maut wif the toga dress and her heels.well me and the boys busy checking out sexy nyonyaS to bitch about plus busy looking at the menu instead of hearing the prizes for lucky draw cos all seems to be the same dinner/breakfast at some hotel restaurants.boring!and i was giving this grumpy 2- yr-old kiddo look cos food was slow served!i mean,i fast the whole day,so that explains my monster mood!
at first they thought i'm non muslim???like HALO?im A after the appetizer,when the food looks kinda weird,i began wondering whether its halal??so dear admin who acts like my mom asked for me and the person in charge,a lovely indian guy wearing coat (looks more like a bodyguard)kept going to our table every dish ensuring i got my halal food!how nice is he right.i told my colleagues that i wanted to hug this indian boy for being so caring plus his good service and there they were,laughing like hyena!idiotS.
these were some of the items inside the goodie bag.BVLGARI toiletries,coffee, another pack of toiletries stuff ,tissue,bla bla bla...housekeeping stuff duh!
wait,those of you who are wondering what the hell am i doing blogging early in the morning is becos i can't sleep after sahur today though i didnt sleep the whole night,was out duh.
and ytd's release all the stress in me...i put on a lovely mask bought at SaSa!NICE!i feel so fresh after that!cool! |
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