Being so posh,or working wif the so called 'posh' ppl (no i'm not talking about VICTORIA POSH or ANY names related to POSH)i mean the definition of the word posh (rich) or rather,working wif ppl who's trying to take care of the welfare of upper class is always a difficult task.Being classified as high end ppl is thus not easy task and getting the title is definitely a hard work,even maintaining it is even harder.That is why the rich being rich have money to buy what they supposed to buy,branded goods,the middle class or poor have their own set of stuffs.I did quite read alot magazines,name it.from seventeen(cheap)to cleo(abit expensive) to SINGAPORE TATLER (mag for high society,of course i dun buy it.abg
gayboy did.)
Example 1 for using the word ''POSH '':
High maintenance,well ''good'' service by the hotel and this include: greeting with the widest biggest smile ever(mostly hypocrites),99% fake,1% sincere; offering to carry luggage,80% forced to,15% work based,5%?cursing the guests for having the heaviest luggage literally.
Example 2:
Its a MUST (wajib) to keep up with the trend. Splurging is a must. Sometimes how nonsensical the thing is...example would be a 3million bra..(was quite shock wif these)will post up the ad in next post. Imagine folks, people are depriving from sleep and food to EARN money while some,could have just splurge that amount on something to cover your parts??which ppl dun even SEE the goods??not that if you wear it outside?ohmy.Humans are really disgusting creatures at times.Now i know why
SOME PPL loves SPCA so much....Going for a function dinner means dressing up in designers clothing line,branded exclusive bags,tons of professional makeup touch,unique hairdos by professional hairstylist,6 inch heels.Think again,just put any
high end lady and a normal middle class lady and make them wear one thing in common, 3 for 10$ nightdress.I'm sure they will look the same alright _!_
Example 3: Personal Encounter.duh.
My attachment is at a landscape company.This company owns a flower shop at this particular hotel.This particular bitch about early fourties,a housekeeping manager or what?or maybe that bitch is just a supervisor?giving me a really hard tyme working didn't affect me that much until lately.She's like stalking me or what??tracking every of my movements.or maybe not stalking,but being a P.I(Private Investigator) searching for my fault,only one wrong move to nab me.Even then, giving way b4 warnings alerting me.BITCH.
She greeted and smiled so widely at me the first time i saw her.At the stairway,through the lobby.thinking that well i'm a guest?becos i do seem like one,carrying my
coach wristlet walking with the tourist kinda look.HAHA.After which, she saw me at the flowershop,learning that i'm one of the staff?next,her impression and treatment towards me totally changed!pls do fuck urself bitch.
okay look,im not being watsoever.this happens last week,or maybe last two weeks ago.i enter the freaking posh pee duh.after which,wash my hands (water and soap)*have to be detail* to prove that i'm not using anything else besides that.That bitch enter ''Gaaal...!(nyonya tone)dun use the towel hor!''*muke sial step half smile wickedly* VHHhaat??you think i'm so hard up to use that towel that u display ''purrfectly'' for your guests??pls eh.i dun use towel apart fom home based dunno how they wash it outside?eee.that display towels nicely placed on the deck are meant for
guests to wipe their wet hands.i repeat,
guests. so well, i'm not??pls la got fucking tissues for what i wanna use towels??kan tissue pon dah kene fucking.LOL.
last week,again this bitch, as i was walking from office to flower shop,she popped out,from dunno where.randomly;''gal u got bf reADI RITE??i den gave this *WTF* look.i hope u noe what i mean.''ur bf how old???''strained my eyes adjusting my specs w/o realising i look stupid,nerdy.again she bombarded me with another question and just assuming things.i hate it.she then goes on..''aiya dun look for boy ur age.go find older ones,more mature''..??again i gave this blurr WTF look.HALO I DUN NEED UR PERSONAL ADVISE.DUN HAVE TYME FOR IT EVEN AND DUN WISHED TO HEAR ANYTHING COMING OUT FROM YOUUU BITCH.the very next day,this uncle from the flower shop seems to have problem carrying things w/o damaging them,intactly.all the petals and leaves drop all over the floor.and thus extended outside the flowershop boundaries as i was cleaning(sweeping) the floor,flower shop *oh well thats my fav job there,sweep* that bitch again popped in from outside and was like ''here also ah........''*pointing outside the shop boundaries.*DGR2 AKU MAID DIA, AMINAH??fuck off biatch!i mean whats the fucking point of you hiring foreign cleaners for cleaning purposes when they can't even sweep the floor??F.

ytd,again she tailed me to the toilet.didn't she have other betta things to do??bitch,you are not paid to TAIL NON-GUEST to the restrooms rite???again she's like a repeat radio machine whereby whenever i step into the toilet,siren warnings.I'M NOT EVEN TOUCHING IT LA FUCKER.THE TOWELS.which i can get at pasar geylang 3 for 10$!!!F.''dun use the towels hoRRR''freak.are you sick to follow me enter the toilet.told the ppl at seems thats not the first tyme she's like that to our staffs.cos it seems that our shop is not part of the hotel,we just hire the place to do business.and of the major client is the hotel itself.i can destroy the area if i want too.after she said that,rolled my eyes continue washing and as i was washing,devil began talking to me...devil:''hey why not you take the towels and wipe the wet floor and then throw it in basket for washing?''since she didn't even let u use it for hands,use it for more dirty things.HAHA'' i did as i was told.obediently.felt satisfied.rushed outta toilet like kiddo did something mischievious and wanted to ran away from getting caught.HAHA.
and finally today.i was talking to flower shop auntie.we usually talk quite loud,competing with auntie's fully blast radio.then one part i want to emphasize thing,and being loud and random me,i accidently shouted.i know it was loud.but it was onli like for a few secs at most.and flower shop is an enclosed room.that bitch enter like as if she's standing just outside waiting for me to make a single mistake.SHHHH.. EXPRESSION SHE GAVE ME,WITH FINGERS ON THE LIPS,luking like a teacher disciplining the children.F.