opps.sempat i ber pose.hehe. this was one of my happy moment cos i'm done being a bhaiya and back in office! & before my dear primary skool mate went off to London, i managed to have lunch wif her. it was her treat though. heh heh.
after which had to go back office and do some verk...went to 'Singapore Garden Fest'!it was fun though.i went alone like A FREAK cos its during my working time and i got free tix from the company.so yar no choice had to be a loner for that few hours.i can't possibly walk wif the aunties from flower shop going together for the fest rite?haha!but it was fun walking and discovering lotsa things myself!cos when you are alone,you are free to walk where you want following your preference.
yerp!after verk that evening meet her again for movie! wanted to watch ''Despicable me'' but the Filmgarde does not have it nimore.so we have to settle for the backup plan that is to catch ''Inception''...It was really really interesting.its like beyond ur imagination that you can ever go into dreams into dreams and can create reality from dreams....and dreams somehow can kill you if you dun handle 'play' it carefully.okay enuff bout it.watch it for yourself then you'll understand ^ ^
that's what we had b4 the movie.heh heh.okay i seems to take lotsa foodie pixs lately.i got to meet syara last friday finally.catchup wif her and another classmate.lotsa fun.got a drive home from classmate since he just got license.how i envy him.damn.oh well next, sat was quite fun.in a way.catchup wif the peeps.lepak session.but sun was tiring.super tiring one indeed cleaning the house like a maid.bitchy moments.and oh well today,was super fucking BORING day,can you imagine me from 9-6...doing practically nothing except for typing some stuff which takes up at most half an hour?and after which....my work is done!like okay?what shall i do next?
i was supposed to do like an entrance poster to our flower shop door.after doing it i have to show to my manager for approval.she didn't approve cos according to her its too childish.fine.i accept it cos ya it looks kinda childish in a way.to add to my misery, this person lately just wanted to find fault wif me.he said ''why can't you just ask the designer to do it for you??"'implying to the new guy.new colleague of theirs.bitch right?like HALO all this while you ask me do the freaking plot drawings and stuff and when new guy come and he seems to master all this things you simply just kick me one cornAR and seems that i failed at doing it( the simplest thing, poster) and like i'm good for nothing??!WHAT A BITCH.i dun feel like talking to him after that.period. i know my work is not good but WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE? okay fine you are somebody at in the company.but so WHAT??!oh well its okay...19 more days to go!but the auntie and uncle at the shop's kinda cute,they appreciate my job and pasted my poster and said '' its okay for the time being use this,its cute...'' (motherly and fatherly tone) i love you both!hug and kisses.i'm soo stress that i have to buy biscuits to keep me company.HAHA.there's a new korean shop selling all the korean goodies at marina square...I LOIKE! so nice and cheap!I' M so gonna visit it again soooooooooooon.oh damn tmr they gonna celebrate my manager's bdae although its like on wed, but she's flying off for HK so have to celebrate tmr.and i'm kinda stress cos i dunno what to get her.and they seems to think i'm stingy cos i neve buy stuff for them in a way.like HALO?I EARN LIKE LESS THAN 1K FOR AN INTERN SO BETTA SHUDDUP OKAY?!talk as if i earn like them! niwaes, just gonna grab some chocs or what for her la -_________-
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
bad bad saturday!
Dear Diary,
i had bad month,bad week,bad days to come and BAD DAY!why can't my luck just turns out to be good for once?why?why?WHY??!and when all was planned,so excited thinking about it the whole friggin week,it just takes one nature's move,THE RAIN to simply destroy the whole plan!DAMN.to substitute wif that,the two idiots then headed for morning breakfast.okay i'm not a morning person.never been awake to just go out for a breakfast?so was my idiot accomplice.but we had no choice since thats the only thing we could do and think of that moment.so yar.and the whole day i'm full of MCD' breakfast.HAHA.

i had bad month,bad week,bad days to come and BAD DAY!why can't my luck just turns out to be good for once?why?why?WHY??!and when all was planned,so excited thinking about it the whole friggin week,it just takes one nature's move,THE RAIN to simply destroy the whole plan!DAMN.to substitute wif that,the two idiots then headed for morning breakfast.okay i'm not a morning person.never been awake to just go out for a breakfast?so was my idiot accomplice.but we had no choice since thats the only thing we could do and think of that moment.so yar.and the whole day i'm full of MCD' breakfast.HAHA.
photos officially sponsored by CANON
after which,we headed to...
end of the day.at night,met umairah after her dance competition.felt bad cos i couldn't able to catch her performance...so had dinner wif he instead to make it up.
sign of losing...not victory heh.
and she loves this picture so much.said that i could tag her being the big one.(and there she goes laughing like a hyena!)
i felt bad again today cos i seems to 4get my dear poly bestie's bdae,SYARIFINA SYARIFF who's turning 19 two days ago...lots of love & kisses!really hope to make it up soon!
and guess what?i had a twin sista that was born 5 yrs b4 me, from other country!how cool heh! (okaylah, she's one of the worker' wifey, coming to s'pore)
hope to see her around..heh heh
Saturday, July 10, 2010
karma -__________-
have you ever heard that whenever you do wrong,you'll get it back?oh yes.karma.thats it.i got it.i know ppl might be laughing their heads off for me to get back what i did.what i did to chiPmunk and chipette I guess.but thats not the point.the point is.i got it much worse than what i did to them. got it back in a terrible way i supposed.it just requires one mouth to shoot out my name,and i'm send off to work like a slave.i don't look down at their work.each individual are born to be responsible in certain things in the world.but you'll definately dislike the thoughts when you have something else to do or to be in mind,you are assigned to the opposite.
i'm here fieza,is a living example of a creature which falls in that category.my thoughts,mind,likes,interest,passion; is definately not for plants.i was assigned to do that in the world now.have to impersonate a person whom i reluctant to be.others being a girl of my age will definately protest against doing it,except for those who really loves nature so much so that they don't even care about being one of the foreign workers.
look, thats not the point even,i may dislike,hate the job but if its my duty,i shall abide it.do it without much talking.oh come on,what can be so difficult about a job of watering plants?simple huh.but try wearing the uniform.it'll be whole totally new thing.new perception of people towards you,duh.i was self consious on the first day.but i've managed to kill all that feelings and try to put an ignorance attitude.
the only thing that can trip my wire easily is when some bugger just come and try to act smart with me.plus trying so hard to make me fail.yes.the devil.i always do portray him with that look.i shall call him Mr.Kong.
Warning:the rest of this post shall be whiny,pure minahrep mode.
the sial mr.kong came early in the morning to talk to the management about assigning me working there.i know i have attitude problem.but who won't right?if they know they had to work as a BANGLA.especially the girls of my age,they will definately not approve of the idea being a bangla.what more HE FUCKING PURPOSELY EXTENDED MY ''STAY'' THERE TILL THE END OF MONTH?? and not for two weeks only?!!Mr.Kong said he can find a way to fail me if i do give attitude problem.it seems he dunno whats the real meaning of attitude problem heh?if I REALLY DO HAVE ATTITUDE PROBLEM,I WOULD HAVE FUCKING REJECT THE IDEA OF STANDING IN FOR THE BANGLA.I WOULD HAVE PLAYED PRANK AND NOT TURN UP FOR WORK YTD AND TODAY BEING A SAT!THE BEST PART,IF I HAVE ATTITUDE PROBLEM I SHALL JUST SPIKE ALL THE CHEMICAL ONTO YOUR PLANTS AND LET IT ROT.OKAY WELL PLANTS ARE LIVING THING,SO I SHALL NOT TOUCH THEM.IF I HAD ATTITUDE PROBLEM,I'VE CALLED MY LECTURER COMPLAINING THAT I'M BEING GIVEN TO BE REAL BANGLA WEARING THE SHIRT AND WORK ON A SAT!
i remember in my intern contract,i'm supposed to work mon-fri only,I DIDN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING THAT SAYS INCLUSIVE OF SAT??noW i feel the anger boiling in me.you see, i didn't mean to be whiny and bitchy,but circumstances has led me into this AGAIN.IF I HAVE ATTITUDE PROBLEM I WOULD HAVE JUST PUKE RIGHT ON FACE the moment you said you wanted to fail me IF I GO AGAINST WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO BE.I HATE YOU TERRIBLY MR.KONG.firsly to start with,you don't even have brain to talk about this stuff.I PERSONALLY THINK YOU HAVE GANG UP WITH CHIPETTE TO GO AGAINST ME.OKAY do what you wanted by all means.cos i'm not gonna fucking stay in the company once my internship is over.definately not my future ideal career.
i'm here fieza,is a living example of a creature which falls in that category.my thoughts,mind,likes,interest,passion; is definately not for plants.i was assigned to do that in the world now.have to impersonate a person whom i reluctant to be.others being a girl of my age will definately protest against doing it,except for those who really loves nature so much so that they don't even care about being one of the foreign workers.
look, thats not the point even,i may dislike,hate the job but if its my duty,i shall abide it.do it without much talking.oh come on,what can be so difficult about a job of watering plants?simple huh.but try wearing the uniform.it'll be whole totally new thing.new perception of people towards you,duh.i was self consious on the first day.but i've managed to kill all that feelings and try to put an ignorance attitude.
the only thing that can trip my wire easily is when some bugger just come and try to act smart with me.plus trying so hard to make me fail.yes.the devil.i always do portray him with that look.i shall call him Mr.Kong.
Warning:the rest of this post shall be whiny,pure minahrep mode.
the sial mr.kong came early in the morning to talk to the management about assigning me working there.i know i have attitude problem.but who won't right?if they know they had to work as a BANGLA.especially the girls of my age,they will definately not approve of the idea being a bangla.what more HE FUCKING PURPOSELY EXTENDED MY ''STAY'' THERE TILL THE END OF MONTH?? and not for two weeks only?!!Mr.Kong said he can find a way to fail me if i do give attitude problem.it seems he dunno whats the real meaning of attitude problem heh?if I REALLY DO HAVE ATTITUDE PROBLEM,I WOULD HAVE FUCKING REJECT THE IDEA OF STANDING IN FOR THE BANGLA.I WOULD HAVE PLAYED PRANK AND NOT TURN UP FOR WORK YTD AND TODAY BEING A SAT!THE BEST PART,IF I HAVE ATTITUDE PROBLEM I SHALL JUST SPIKE ALL THE CHEMICAL ONTO YOUR PLANTS AND LET IT ROT.OKAY WELL PLANTS ARE LIVING THING,SO I SHALL NOT TOUCH THEM.IF I HAD ATTITUDE PROBLEM,I'VE CALLED MY LECTURER COMPLAINING THAT I'M BEING GIVEN TO BE REAL BANGLA WEARING THE SHIRT AND WORK ON A SAT!
i remember in my intern contract,i'm supposed to work mon-fri only,I DIDN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING THAT SAYS INCLUSIVE OF SAT??noW i feel the anger boiling in me.you see, i didn't mean to be whiny and bitchy,but circumstances has led me into this AGAIN.IF I HAVE ATTITUDE PROBLEM I WOULD HAVE JUST PUKE RIGHT ON FACE the moment you said you wanted to fail me IF I GO AGAINST WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO BE.I HATE YOU TERRIBLY MR.KONG.firsly to start with,you don't even have brain to talk about this stuff.I PERSONALLY THINK YOU HAVE GANG UP WITH CHIPETTE TO GO AGAINST ME.OKAY do what you wanted by all means.cos i'm not gonna fucking stay in the company once my internship is over.definately not my future ideal career.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
dirty lil' secret
when you wanted to do something bad,there's always obstacles in doing it right?HAHA.well i'm just speaking of myself actually.i'm not doing something evil or what.its just sharing of some photos....HAHA.
okay actually i was just browsing thru some stuff in chipmunk's computer.i can say ex desktop.oh didn't i tell you?*bitchy moment* chipmunk was dismissed earlier this week...tell you what i'm still human. i do have abit feeling of sympathy.maybe. 4.8%....at most 5%?yerp dats all.cos you guys didn't know how much stuff she done to me behind my back i think.she always do gimme this kinda disgusting look whenever she was having lil' convo wif me.then again,its all over!GRrreaat.niwaes i discovered some of her not needed photos.or can be said some 'step cute' moment of her...and them(chipmunk and chipette)HAHA.wanna see some?heh heh.but b4 i could do that, god always do back to me.i got it.HE dun wish to see me going against HIM...OH DEAR GOD,this is one of my last time i will talk about chipmunk since she's left for good.chipette came here a few moment ago, oh i'm at the flower shop.not office.using chipmunk's old desktop which was donated to d bapok here.chipette came up.to gimme the card.yg tk perlu.oh well.i know she wanted to check on me.and step ber mingle ngan kwn2 auntie aku pat sini...HAHA.alamak bapok dah dtg.sial bin mampos.
okay i betta upload the photos fast!
Introducing....chipette and the chipmunk!!(chipette wif the cardigan), tk cukop kain...hehe.you know la...
sungguh mcm nyonya kan chipmunk at times...HAHA.i dun need to take pixs of her shoes...she herself oreadi took them for me.

okay fine thats all i guess i need to bitch bout them.todududuuuuuu.....'chio' peee dorg...hehehehehehehe.
btw kan,this freaking bapok here just got onto my nerves ah.seriously.please do cermin himself b4 he speak of others la kan...damn i love myself for the past 3 hours only.wooots! dear god, please do forgive me for the wrongdoings that i've done for the past hours or ytd or upcoming days i have made myself into...todududuuuuu... i did something out of the box recently to this ppl....i will reveal it when i'm done wif my attachment yar!*takot mode*
GB called me.okay who cares right?i know.SB has officially stop msging me.should i be greatful for that?i feel weird whenever he stops msging me but not until now,i felt happy and relieved i guess.becos i dun care about whatsover shit thing about this thing??!try to understand me pls...thnx!haha!
and i can officially sign up myself for self defence classes cos i do lots of fightings recently?i know.siao char bo.oh well aku suke pe?*minahrep mode*anyone here be it office or flower shop is my victim.i have become one ytd.blue blacks all over me.thnx eh dudeS.btw, those who are wondering what gender am i...i am girl/female.yes.thats right.but ppl do like to treat me like a boy.nothings new.lalalalalala...
i miss my bffS alot!yes i know.i have quite alot to name as my bff.all indeed i miss!Iryani Sam,Aspa Aman,MArzura Jamil,Shabby J, Umairah Nisha,Wan nak mampos (he might not be on my list nimore).GB(oh he's not my bff, but i miss some lepaking session wif him only) hehe.
i'm gonna mit one of them tmr for shoppinggg spree!!!woots.hehe.btw,our msn convo went like this
bff: i rindu you la...(something like that)
Me: i pon miss you, i nak pelok you bnyk2 besok
bff: pelok je??
Me: you nak ape lagy??*senyum mentel*
sory yaye,i'm gonna kidnap your gf tmr for a day out!
HAHAHAHAHAHA.we always do have this tk perlu convo.it excites and makes OUR day.HAHA.
btw,me and bff have a special plan next week!hope we can achieve that!really looking forward to that outing!HAHA.
see you when i see you!
P.s: its 3/4 day of the 6th,no sign of salary??!darn -____________- betta give fast b4 i wag you people!!!HAHA.
okay actually i was just browsing thru some stuff in chipmunk's computer.i can say ex desktop.oh didn't i tell you?*bitchy moment* chipmunk was dismissed earlier this week...tell you what i'm still human. i do have abit feeling of sympathy.maybe. 4.8%....at most 5%?yerp dats all.cos you guys didn't know how much stuff she done to me behind my back i think.she always do gimme this kinda disgusting look whenever she was having lil' convo wif me.then again,its all over!GRrreaat.niwaes i discovered some of her not needed photos.or can be said some 'step cute' moment of her...and them(chipmunk and chipette)HAHA.wanna see some?heh heh.but b4 i could do that, god always do back to me.i got it.HE dun wish to see me going against HIM...OH DEAR GOD,this is one of my last time i will talk about chipmunk since she's left for good.chipette came here a few moment ago, oh i'm at the flower shop.not office.using chipmunk's old desktop which was donated to d
okay i betta upload the photos fast!
Introducing....chipette and the chipmunk!!(chipette wif the cardigan), tk cukop kain...hehe.you know la...
sungguh mcm nyonya kan chipmunk at times...HAHA.i dun need to take pixs of her shoes...she herself oreadi took them for me.
i know. mcm pasar mlm nyonya2 nye kasot.except for nike yg busok tuu...
okay fine thats all i guess i need to bitch bout them.todududuuuuuu.....'chio' peee dorg...hehehehehehehe.
btw kan,this freaking bapok here just got onto my nerves ah.seriously.please do cermin himself b4 he speak of others la kan...damn i love myself for the past 3 hours only.wooots! dear god, please do forgive me for the wrongdoings that i've done for the past hours or ytd or upcoming days i have made myself into...todududuuuuu... i did something out of the box recently to this ppl....i will reveal it when i'm done wif my attachment yar!*takot mode*
GB called me.okay who cares right?i know.SB has officially stop msging me.should i be greatful for that?i feel weird whenever he stops msging me but not until now,i felt happy and relieved i guess.becos i dun care about whatsover shit thing about this thing??!try to understand me pls...thnx!haha!
and i can officially sign up myself for self defence classes cos i do lots of fightings recently?i know.siao char bo.oh well aku suke pe?*minahrep mode*anyone here be it office or flower shop is my victim.i have become one ytd.blue blacks all over me.thnx eh dudeS.btw, those who are wondering what gender am i...i am girl/female.yes.thats right.but ppl do like to treat me like a boy.nothings new.lalalalalala...
i miss my bffS alot!yes i know.i have quite alot to name as my bff.all indeed i miss!Iryani Sam,Aspa Aman,MArzura Jamil,Shabby J, Umairah Nisha,Wan nak mampos (he might not be on my list nimore).GB(oh he's not my bff, but i miss some lepaking session wif him only) hehe.
i'm gonna mit one of them tmr for shoppinggg spree!!!woots.hehe.btw,our msn convo went like this
bff: i rindu you la...(something like that)
Me: i pon miss you, i nak pelok you bnyk2 besok
bff: pelok je??
Me: you nak ape lagy??*senyum mentel*
sory yaye,i'm gonna kidnap your gf tmr for a day out!
HAHAHAHAHAHA.we always do have this tk perlu convo.it excites and makes OUR day.HAHA.
btw,me and bff have a special plan next week!hope we can achieve that!really looking forward to that outing!HAHA.
see you when i see you!
P.s: its 3/4 day of the 6th,no sign of salary??!darn -____________- betta give fast b4 i wag you people!!!HAHA.
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