felt so smart yesterday,like an A grade student in history.it was an Awesome day at the museum.no,not the night at the museum okay.i mean like we literally went to the museum.our national museum.so guys,i think this is one of the best discovery in our country seriously.and know what as much as i wanted to travel around the world to look at the beautiful monuments,buildings and cultures,i have to learn and have basic knowledge for my own hometown too right?i mean its kinda like a basic requirement if you don't even know your own roots,what makes you think you will be interested to look about others?so yeah,we did just the right thing there,our first move to the world discovery.indeed.i just had this how do i put this,..erm,intelligent feeling with me lately,not that i feel i am one but i just wanted to be more,knowledgable.in certain aspect that interest me,well my interest always varies from time to time,and now i kinda prefer reading lotsa books on psychology kinda thing,very interested to read more on literature and also find out about what's happening in the world now and before,loves to find out some interesting informations on beliefs..and trust me,i feel i'm getting weirder each day.
if you had like know me way dinosaurs years before,this wasn't the typical me,i'm more of a ''party'' girl,not that I like to party alot,but i enjoy clubbing sessions and also prefers or loves to lepak alot with people(friends..)but not doing anything useful or even talking sensible stuff.favourite location will be coffeeshops.trust me,even the mamak knows us well and kinda regular there,and each time we have our dinner there,he will kinda nod his head as if knowing what i was abt to order.do i look so,...predictable??
anyways, that's not the point,the point is,i get to know myself much better now i guess,where my interest really lies in,and this kinda freaks me out,if that era of my zaman gemilang didn't exist i would probably end up a top NUS scholar in arts and literature or historian student and have been to RGS probably mingling with all those..*thinking face* intellectual students i guess.and probably ideal topic for the day would be exchanging opinions from shakespeare's quote or even Churchill's quotes..*irks look*
well whatever my past was,as it says, past tense,it used to be,and now present tense and future tense,i am so definately going to do more research in the key areas that definately interest me,
this morning,to begin the day with, i even read the booklet that we took from yesterday museum exhibiton's walk.i was trying so hard to understand the context though,as it was in,purfect malay language,with all those new word popping in my head and me trying to digest it by assuming it.so yeah,people working for the galleries,i would definately appreciate if they are available in English too.there's malay,mandarin and japanese context booklets but not in English or even Tamil.So,whats happening guys??you need translator for that?hire more then.
and as i was reading familiar names like,Christian Dior pops out in the fashion booklet,i mean like wow,people from the past do have some basic stylish touch, and trust me,all those display clothing somehow do look or inspired by the now fashion.and i'm so in love with all those traditional costumes,be it cheongsam,baju kebaya,saree,english wedding dress.that is a round of applause to these designers from the past,i mean hey guys,without them,who ARE we?
and i know the girls were enjoying the talk in the food gallery,on why the coconut grater of the past looks so...cocky and we sure had a great laugh till maybe other tourist were interested to know what makes us so terribly happy people in there.we sure do attract them.
and i kinda enjoy the self guided tour as we discover all the info by ourself just by the click of the buttons,why is technology so advanced now,its all computerised and you don't need that someone to like tell you all the stories over and over again till he looks too sick and tired of it and kinda reflects like he's part of the dead from the history?HAHA.thanks Companion!
and lastly, the ticketing guy,can you pls just like seriously Get Over with the fact that we are not students anymore?! whatever you might think of us looking soooo younngg and innocent dosen't make us a student still.this is how somehow the convo goes:
Counter Guy: Are you guys Students?
Us: ah,No.*wanted to lie but apparantly if he ask for student card,what am i suppose to do?give him ntuc card?*
Counter Guy: Student Cards have special promo...So Students??
Us: No.
Counter Guy: Not Students?SURE??*muke tk believe*
Us: *looking at each other & kinda wanting to give a tight slap on his face indirectly*NO!
hi mat,even though you don't really look like a mat,but who gives a damn right?i call every guy a mat,period.anyways,whatsupp with ya?don't you like believe that we are working adults?!*yarr its true we look younNNG and young at heart too but a fact is a fact we are after 20 years of age and have graduated from dip (wanted to do more than that though)but now we are working?!so can you for once believe uS??i think that he might mistook us for budak case tk abis pelajaran den wanna work,but we are not okayyyy,, we completed our course of study.period.
i just played this IQ test game,and it freaks me out i kinda get it like 80% right,so does that makes me extra ordinary in a way too?i hope not,but this hamba allah,memandangkan dia special,he like made it all right?100% right.in a few seconds.like Halo?though he got the help from the colour generic thing but still??in seconds??*mate terjojol*

i don't know why we need to purchase the tickets,as they were only glancing at it upon checking in and not like tearing it out or something?
muke tk perlu kay.and that's the COmpanion machine i'm talking about*ouch its just too glaring light thus looks so white*..just key in the numbers and all the information for the specific artefact will pop out plus there's audio too.cooL RIGHT??
happy girl