Thursday, June 28, 2012
whitening stuffsss
these are last kopek of the photos that i have for that trip.these are one of the best food that we had there!for once,its superb.the price was awesomely cheap.RM25 for its about say...SGD$12?or so?awesomely good.where can you get in Spore that kinda serving in restaurant based.and that pic, the photos im able to snap b4 the reflexology!akan aku buy tub and buat sendiri reflexology pat rumah!baikkk ah the massage was AWESOME u noe,the masseuse is from bali,she's so sweet looking lady and so polite that almost every second she smile to some point of time i just felt that she must be some kinda statue or what smiling all the way?
and this is the scariest part of the trip there,the people there at the resort,seems to know what we both have been doing.since the day we arrived there till when we are departuring. the resort is breakdown into like different hotel kinda,different concept and some is way down the hill.there were lots of incidents and convo that took place,so here is just one that i'll share,the masseuse who work at this particular shop downstairs our hotel knew that we did our hair the day before(the place that we did the treatment;the hotel area is down the hill) and even knew what kinda treatment!we did not charge the payment to our hotel room or what??so there is no like record system to it right?and there's alot more like the guy who brought us up to the hair treatment was having this convo with us in the lift;
guy(usher): so ytd evening,you guys walk in to book the treatment but was not able to do it?
me: ER???*muke shocked*
my fren:*looking from the lift reflection* WHAT??
muke kami di sane agaknye begitu unique dan popular sampai semua kerabat resort tahu agaknye?memang kami agak popular di sana.sampai performers busking pon nak dtg depan muke table kite menyanyi lagu sambil kami berdua tengah 'NGAP'.LOL.*im touched you,feeling mak datin.*
last weekend of school break,we did this!
as a result of that i had several bruises.the bruises case saket rabak nye.during the play,we had to compete with several teams, we did managed to defeat the first team.the second one,annoying,there was this guy who aim me i guess,then he managed to like attacked me directly next to me la.but at the same time when i turned,shocked to see him there,i began shooting him too.then the referee told that both of us was OUT of the game.*cos we are gone?*but this guy seems to be in a SAWAN mode or what keeps on shooting me. SIAO EH MAMAT.but then again he was nice enough to ask me; ''sory,you ok?'' HAHA. so kelakar la kau mat.lucky im wearing the headgear cos im like making face behind the mask :p
i was shot in the eye too .thanks to the headgear im still visible.
im currently obsessed with whitening products.all of it.all of them.cos after the paintball session,i realised i become one tone says im black i think tan,but she dun seems to have betta word in mind so she says black.but nani says its fine,cos usually people mistook me for a china atleast now..hmm..okla so like the day after i went shopping for like all the whitening masks,lotion and stuff.OMG.the cashier at the shop didnt welcome me at first cos she thought i'm not a potential buyer.but when it seems like im taking all the whitening stuff off the rack,the attention was given to me naturally.tsk.what kinda service was that? these are some additional items bought. nivea stuff too.vaseline too.and new stuff i bought, a wash-off mask from whitening baby's mask!i was super stressed and nani like assure and recommended me...SYAHIRAH tagline; suci dan segar!HAHA.its halal too!!for once,im using beauty product which is halal certified!chop chop lagi.baikkk!its actually good as after using it,i read up about it,it uses all the plants and goat's milk!its good!lotsa vitamin try guys!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Part II
the trip was adventurous overall.we are able to view the interesting landscape plus the environment and atmosphere; very calming and soothing especially when we had to climb up the long steps to the Japanese Garden,though the weather was bright sunny,it was very cooling and chilling as it was way up the hill.
the place that we visited is situated way up the hill,Colmar Tropicale (well some of you might have heard of the place while others still wondering whether this place is somewhere farrrr,NO its not from Singapore cos its in Malaysia truly Asia.its an hr plus drive from KL. so yeap.
we took bus from Singapore,not flight duh,its too near to take that anyway.the best part we took the bus to and fro Singapore with this particular thus we had no trouble recognizing the bus as we just had to tail them from the back (stalker heh)
the highlight of the trip was at The Chateau.we initially wanted to do the spa,but,we did not prepare for the budget earlier thus,its out of the way,so we just had hair treatment,JOJOBA hair treatment to be specific. the treatment did our hair justice,did justice to my hair specifically.and the place,OMG,so posh looking i swear,the service was EXCELLENT.and it was awesomely cheap (affordable la i shud say).i mean in my homeland here,i couldnt get that kinda price plus awesomely good service together.well,the place was in the area where no cameras are allowed (told you its so posh looking that even a picture wasnt allowed in there).the first day we are there,we wanted to just walk in and do treatment but was stop by the guard as he though we wanted to sightseeing to take photos(actually duh,we wanted to do both) the interior looks so fine and sleek looking;the tiles and marbles seems to be polished every few seconds to ward of the dust.i give it a 10/10 for that place. and this is the result after the treatment...
oh and ya I went for foot reflexology and my fren went for the head and shoulder was awesome too!!love it la!
the rest are pictures taken at the animal park.
what a place to take photo...
okay actually there's alot of food photos la but ofcos cant upload all of it right?so this short trip have somehow made my holiday this June!!yeah!hope to look forward for more upcoming trips!i hope the GIRLS able to join!
till i blabber again,
fizah ^ ^
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