these are the people I met last wik.mon: wif marR went lepak session plus follow her buy bagpack,wed: aspa's mini bdae celebration on the 4th/5th Aug 12 am itself wif shabby,fri: miting my dear syara plus giving her d belated belated bdae gift plus sheeeesha session & ofcos sat,ytd: miting dear nani wif our shopping therapy!
i am superrrRR HAPpy for now cos my final report is finally done & submitted on the fri morning!superR duper relieve!oh no fyp Next...but nvm that can talk later.
alot of stupid things happen on each different mitups.funneh stuffs ofcos. i can declare that i HAD FUN on each mitups wif different ppl. and today, i dunno whether i want to follow wan to jb today for repair bike session...-____- see how my mood goes later.
& now.....

introducing my new pair of shoooggy, the CROCS.heh heh.i finally got it although i didnt get the one i really wanted.but its okay this is fine as long as not the cloggy type!HAHA.that is so burok okay...this crocs is super duper comfortable okay!i loike!
& shopping session ytd, i got myself my dear BABY-G longing for watch!!except i didnt get the white that i wanted cos one of my friend seems to have it,mane boleh same kan?cannot okay.HAHA.so got myself the purple cos its the NEW colour plus its so nice looks like metallic kinda! bff nani supported me on this.(yelah dia suke abiskan duit aku and aku pon suke abiskan duit dia) but initially i wanted to get the latest version the square frame one that is on ad everywhere wif 5 colours, white,black,pink,blue, green.the lime green looks sexiting.but from far....it looks kinda...bugis street watch.i hope you know what i meant.like so cheap which actually not la kan.more expensive than the one i bought. but i still loves the classic versionS.so unique!
& nani bought a pair of birkenstock slipper.soo comfy (although its expensive for a sandal/slipper) plus i loike the striking red colour!awwww.so nice!
but wait.can i say something.why there are super duper lotsa people everywhere in singapore??!like super menyemak ah!take ytd for example.
#1) i couldnt dispense my money from atm machine under my blk cos there was a supeeeR lonG queue of uncles and aunties plus matreps and minahreps.cos im staying near the area where all the malays loves to go during FASTING SEASON.yes.after 15mins of queuing i know im not gonna make it on time for my driving if i continue.
#2) taking cab after that.i neve like taking cabs except if i really have to.i couldnt get a cab becos it was so pack, jam ytd.thankS for staying near geylang area.this is what happens when ramadhan arrives.
#3) shopping centres were packed wif people,super duper polluted.
#4) area towards the town or no.city hall where all lots of events ongoing.YOG,NDP, the gantries for F1 being build up.LOTSA LOTSA PEOPLE walking EVERYWHERE.so damn suffocated okay?!
#5) and just look at the bay.dun you think the sea is getting smaller.the marina sands thingy being build up.plus shopping centres or whatever building that is gonna build next to it??!
COnCLUSION: i think i prefers to be indoor for the next few months.LOL.

books.my latest obsession.donated by the people from hotel.they (touristS) which depicts the book title, loves to read abit,DUMP the new books. so the uncle at flower shop my workplace loves to collect for me.cos the only person who seems like reading there is me?so yeah!got it.most of the books are thrillerS, its okay am fine wif everything as long as the plot is good! plus i love taking photos of sceneries (but not of myself pls people)
btw, HAPPT NATIoNAL DAY people! & to all muslimS, HAPPY FASTING! ^ ^okay!plus baru je ckp.talking of the devil!there seems to be commotion downside(mamak style) wif music blasting like crazy??!NDP advanced celebration plus geylang opening stuff or what?!!! plus vehicles hoRNINg,traffic jam.so noisy la.shuddup okay!!! i need PEACE ON A SUNDAY!i want to migrate. +_0
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