they wanted go bugis.dunno for what reasons.tag along cos i was feeling down d whole wik you yar.was late(as usual)trying to purchase standard tix cos didn't have ezlink?ok it was
sat,went to one of my cuz place for open house,raye plus they just shift house so make sum kenduri.was fun get to mit them up,snap sum pixs,d pixs r all wif them btw,as i still haven reconcile wif dat person dat yar.dat person muke perasaan mau bebual ngan aku sum of my aunts and uncles crack jokes, and i could see usuali dia will ketawe plus share comments wif me.but dat dae,dia was like...''omg,i wanna talk to yoouuu pls''*muke nk share gossip tapi tk bleh*okay wtv,eat eat eat like pig den went off from dat place headed to my aunt,mum side place.again took cab.cos it seems my biological brother,suppossedly to be our chauffer for d dae,didn't turn up.betol punye suar.he can live wif his deary wife pat dalam cave fb games.n d kiddo sumpah can b d next generations of hermits.*case ignorant*
d cab dat we took,sumpah he thinks dat he is,..LEWIS HAMILTON,OR JENSON BUTTON,OR ALONNSOO*TELOR APEK*he drove damn fast.SUPER FAST.EXTREMELY FAST.LIKE GONNA CRASH ON EVERYTHING.once he just curse d ppl who wanted to cross d ZEBRA CROSSING AND JUST went off.sial nyer apek.sumpah siao.den he almost crash into a delivery guy,pizza hut yar.den he was cursing"CELAKA PUNYA OLANG".and i'm sitting in front, cos i dun want to sit next to d person.i swear my heart was at d my mind i was,,i still want to get married have family,enjoy life.HAHA.giler.but yar,i dun wanna die early.den i was being sarcastic"EH DIA NI MCM F1 RACER LA,HAMILTON KE,BUTTONE KE,"my dad was laughing his ass off.instaed of taking it as a sarcarsm,tis apek,take it as motivation.SIAL.he was even faster and smiling??when i turn to him.MATE DAH SEPET.okay mine not dat yar.den dere was few times he yawn SUPER LOUDLY,rubbing his eyes.Okay if you are tired,go back sleep okay setan,dun risk ourlife!alhamdulillah we managed to reach d destination,unhurt.

couldn't take it nimore,on d music,naseb sbelah earpiece still dere.lagu pulak SToRY ONE OF MY FAV.SONG NOW.okay its like as if my dad dun let me marry my ROMEO.WTV.but lucky i listen to song on d other side.if not,i'm able to listen FULLY TO MY DAD'S LECTURE I SWEAR ITS GONNA BE BANJIR AT EAST COAST wif my tears yar...air pasang.HAHA.passer by,luking at me so emo by d beach,crying??!plus sumpah at one point i feel like running away from my dad.STOP MAKING ME CRY FURTHER!sibok je org2 tgk like aku ni tgh film drama ke.MENANTI KEKASIH?alah sedihnye title.went back home and..yar had to take my dad's advise,,,so reconcile wif dat person..A.K.A...MY SIS LA.JENG JENG JENG.HAPPY ENDING,BUT not just yet?me had to apologise her husband A.K.A MY BRO IN LAW for dunno what reason?cos i fought wif my sis not my B.I.L?wtv it is they are married so have to.but he is a nice person.sumpah aku respect dia more den BIOLOGICAL BRO AKU SKRG.OKAY BYE.dats all folks.update soon..
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