text her at 1.20pm
me: babe,so how today??
mar didn't reply so...i called her about 2pm,trying to conferm whether she's miting me not??didn't ans d call,..so like..okay...??
mar:sory sis,i think i couldn't mit up wif u guys today cos last min. i have to help my mum clean d house..so sory 4 d short notice..
me:*muke tk penah marah wif besties*alaa.hmm.its okay i guess.well we can catch up wif each other soon i guess?or we mit at night if possible??
mar: okay best!hope to c u sooon!
met asfa arnd 5plus-6,well we both plan to mit at 430 initially,oh well,as usual were late.met at bugis stn den headed to shab's werk place as promised to mit her 4 while?it was a short mit up but our mouth were like pepotpepotpepot*soo aunties*.asfa wants her CHICKEN RICE as usual so couldn't break fast wif shab n syai cos they went BK...?
den we ate at a nearby mamak's stall near NAFA...NO CHICKEN RICE,so went along wif chicken chop,ice milo,cheese fries*prangai gemok*d waiter was well a blurr man/boy?hmm.nvm we still got our foodie la kn.upon finishing d foodie,den dere's tis gurl behind us approached our table...??we were like??ape seh ko nk minah?
okay she told asfa dat one of her frens,3 guys,wanted to get to noe her...asfa luks so blurr as usual as she was chking d phone 4 movie time,luks up and..err.no attached.thnx.den aku bukan ape la kn.no offence to tis minah but since asfa said she's attached means like..NO?she keeps on..not even frens? asfa:*thinking* no thnx.well,not to be shallow,if you are attached,confirm frens also cannot la kn wif some random guys??unless if you noe d frens of his?suspected one of d 2 guys sitting facing asfa la kn.one of em wore GUCCI BELT?HAHA.i noe i'm very observant!opps.soreh.love at first sight??HEHE.well,my bro dun want,so too bad...kuang3...
no better plan so d two of us catch a movie after dat,...9.yes 9 is d title.its an exciting movie wif d gud sound effect and animation.I.LIKE!end arnd 1115,sat at d mcdonald's nearby,got a hot fudge sundae and began recording our crap videos.stupid lappy couldn't upload it cos of different format stuff...so now i can only do video wif my camera.not hp camera.*pissed*

walked to d busstop,had to send asfarella*prangai mak2*well,she start her work today...so must give her face since i'm in my holiday mood.cross over to take bus to dhobby mrt stn before transit for no.7,reach dhobby at 1205,thinking dat dere might still be last bus??1215 still
1225,punch in my so called bro,WAN!he's d only saviour i guess for tis kinda situation.
conversation goes like tis...
toot.. toot..,toot.. toot..,WAN picks up,
wan: helo?
me: eh kau patne ah??*prangai minah jap*
wan: asl??mau lepak?
me: err,no,yes,no i mean im stranded here wif no bus,..so who noes if you could give a ride home?
me: eh setan!cpt la,boleh amek aku tk?!
wan: okay wait.kau patne?
me: dhobby ghaut stn
wan: okay wait
puts down?!...
about...2 minutes ltr,
wan: oi,kau still pat situ?
me: abeh?!YOU ASK ME WAIT WAT?!*
wan: okay 10 mins be there.wait.d mrt stn rite?
me: yupp!*muke happy*
well, after which...about 1255...dere's a bike,a scrambler,stopping at d busstop.i luk up.was like?!okay tis bike luks so freaking familiar la kn.not WAN's.but......his a fren of wan's.well me noe him.just an aquaintance.didn't reall like him cos of some
me:eh dok,WHERE YOU?
wan:eh lupe nk blang kau,zul amek kau.dia dah smpi?*innocent voice*
me: thot kau suppose take aku?
wan: dia nak dtg rumah aku,so otw,amek kau la.rumah kite dekat ape*again innocent voice*
me: ape seh kau?!
wan: naik je kay.bye..
sometimes, wan simply couldn't understand WHAT SARCASM N ANGRY TONE IS?!*susah kwn dgn org sebegini YER*
approached him..
zul: hi!
me: hi...*tk sincere*
zul: why stranded here?
me: *dats a stupid qns*err,NO BUS?
zul: oh haha.cute la
me:*k sumpah dere's nothing cute abt being stranded wif no bus at all*okay so can we go?*avoiding more qns.*
zul : bf tk amek?
eversince d start of of first mit up,he thot dat i'm attached?okay up to you whatever you wanna think.
zul: oh okay.*fake smile*you wanna join us lepak?me,WAN,d rest??*thinking dat i might attracted to d offer by raising his tone when WAN's name mentioned,since WAN is d closest to me*'brother' oi.
me: *instant reply again*no thnx.wanna go home.
well dats so not me la kn go back early and turn down a lepak offer.HAHA.but tis guy is dere.so DUN WANT.
half heartedly,got on d bike which is freaking high.well i'm short.*LSE*cursing and swearing wan in d head but oh well grateful. at least dun have to fork out $ for cab!*muke miskin pa*
lucky back home was a straight road.12 minute ltr reached.SAVED.alhamdulillah.i mean last time i was 'hantu' for riding.but now am scared after hearing lotsa stories accidents involving bikes..,so have to be extra careful*muke nk idop lame n celebrate RAYE*HEHE.
took off d helmet,jump off d bike like a kiddo,
me: ok bye.thnx!
zul: no problem.next time want ride just call...
me: *dere won't be next* er,HAHA.aku ape?tkde bus hehari pa??*sarcastic tone*btw,sory 4 d trouble.THNX!
zul : my pleasure.*manly tone pe*night!
me: ok night.
walked off,still in d mood of cursiNg WAN.thnx ah bro!
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