last wednesday, we were shocked by d tremors felt in most part of spore rite...well,me felt d tremors really badly maybe due to my area which is near marine parade...crossover,its already Indonesia borders...i was in my dream at abt 615 dat dae,was woken up not exactly by d tremors,*case tdo mampos*but by mum's squeeky voice screaming from d kitchen,claiming dat d sink is moving?!when i woke up,still lying down though,thought dat i was having an extreme headache or maybe just d effect when you just woke up?a bit dizzy and stuff..i rarely got headache or can i say never?den i stood up,as if i was surfing a board,d thought dat struck upon me was; IS TIS D END OF WORLD?!
mum was running frantically arnd d house?*sumpah prangai klakar*dad was performing his prayer..mum was like" kau tgk abah pon bergoyang?!"'*goyang pe*okay?so d three of us practically kept surfing for 2minutes when we heard all d shouting from neighbours...our dear next door neighbour, their uncle who always come to their place was like as if he's d headman of d village?*ketua kampung*HAHA.he's so semangat "KAK,BANG*indicating mum and dad*BERGEGAR KN,MARI KITE TURON!"i realised its TREMORS BY dat point,what run in my mind was,I'M NOT PREPARED TO DIE!den me grabbing sum shit shirt cos at dat point i was wearing sleeveless and dat shirt is really,i mean REALLY in bad condition yar so had to double layer it with sum big bulky shirt...?from sumwhere?hehe.mum as usual d reporter rush first wit d neighbours,me?dragging my way, searching for slippers?i was still in d daze though*muke ngantok plus pemalas yar*haha.den tragic,have to use d stairs.DAMN.den halfway through,d tremors stop,me,mum and next door neighbours took d lift,HAHA.main d lift,d conver of my neighbour and her kiddo,
kiddo:"MI!*short form of mummy*
his mum: what?
kiddo:COMOT macam mane?!!*his cat name*
sumhow COMOT luks like tis cos its been disturbing me always...LOL
HAHA!d next thing i noe i was laughing UNCONTROLLABLY.i mean at tis time,hour,you think of your PET?!*I'M NOT ANIMAL LOVER*TOO BAD.well okay just adore cute ones dats all.abt 3 minutes ltr den dad came down wif d rest.sumpah bapak aku semangat yar.he changed his clothes?i mean he totally changed top and kain pelekat to jeans?omg.if anything happen i guess he'll be d last to survive.okay and d stories of tremors went lalala..i was standing one corner*case tknk org recognise*i was too paisey i guess for d way i look dat tyme?hehe.selekeh benar yer.den was just observing d rest of d ppl coming down by stairs;d indians wif sarees?...chinchong as usual pat rumah pakai shorts,jalan2 pon,okay sempat.SUM BROUGHT THEIR BABY,I MEAN BABY JUST GIVEN BIRTH TO...d mother was still in d luk of just given birth kinda of face,dunno how to describe but yar..d hair pocok like pocong..pale,dehydrated face wearing socks wif slippers..haha.den sum idiots brought their ANJING down,..sumpah gy mampos.
about 10 mins ltr, we all felt it was safe to be back home?first thing,on d tv.CHANNELNEWSASIA.okay yar.LATEST: 7.6 magnitude earthquake just hit Padang,Indonesia.expected wasn't d first time we felt d yar.wasn't dat surprised...but dat one was one of d major one felt though.texted sum frens reporting d news. n sis lup iryani seems to have d same thought at dat point of tyme,..if we here are like trembling our ass off,d ppl dere,...guess must be more worst...and prayed hard for them la kn...
dat nite met my frens,lepak as usual.wasn't up to d mit up though.but yar,have to.niwaes we usuali talk about personal life,probs,guys..?but dat particular nite,dear umairah whom usuali whine abt guys talk about RELIGION.WEWeet.haha.d matter was brought up after we discuss abt d earthquake tingy.ya...but its REALLY REALLY SCARY IF YOU THINK ABOUT DEATH AND..AFTERLIFE.i've just realised how much sins i've made...though most are not d major ones but still it will end up to... WOW.*DEVIL*hmm.our time spend in clubs all...dats all sins rite??hmm..den..okay dat nite we reali sounds like USTAZAHs.
back hm,couldn't sleep after dat so read tis book,bought cos its usuali full of ghost/underworld stories but tis issue was abt...death?was scaring myself d whole nite...
well,hope to reali repent one day yar...b4 death..insyaallah.
den thurs morning dere was another one.aftershock i guess..but it was not as bad as d dae b4.was in usual.10am so ya.neve feel it.just heard d news by home base reporter,dearest mum.I GUESS IM USED TO TREMORS NOW...*NO FEELING*
evening met up wif yany,as usual,tis twosome will go window shop.okay i noe its contradicting d previous dae and dat evening.haha.but guess just wanna release all d stress of scaring maring ourselves and indulge in sum...SHOPPING!didn't bought much except for a dress.yany got d same design too but of diff. colour.sumpah prangai kembar.but wtv its nice!
same je muke.boring.
fri,met up my cuz,she have been bugging me to mit.*prangai aku bz* went to follow her shop,yes,for me ION orchard.was trying to ward off all d intention to buy but...but couldn't got myself a pair of flats.luking at all d posters all over town area,models...luking at their seductive lips...HAHA.den just struck me of wanting to buy a lipstick.nude colour would be one by d tips to my cuz,who dun reli noe abt makeup stuff as she wanted to purchase sum of it.*sumpah aku setan*haiz.cos she's like wearing tudung and im not...opps.and my life totally opposite from her.but hanging out wif her was fun though.she's a great listener and her ways...funny.cute.maybe cos im not used to it.*muke tk alim*cuz aku inilah harapan antarabangse utk keluarga yer kerana most of d rest of my cuz are of my species or worst you noe...hehe.snaps sum pix b4 pulang yar.
i. love tis heels!wanted to buy but forgot to bring my card.cos it cost $139...sadded.luks normal but its comfy
and ytd went to open houses..mampos.every house seems to EAT.EAT.EAT.EAT.EAT.LIKE PIGLET. OKAY so tis moning force myself get up join dad 4 a jalan raye.conferm EAT EAT AGAIN.wtv.i have to chill MAKAN K
koko and
titi (older and younger bro)my two adooooorable cuzzins!they are of chinese-javanese descendant so dat explains their fair luks...
dats d puzzle they beat me on fixing it.i lost.okay dats becos they memorise it OKAY.*tknk kalah*