after which headed to mit sum old frens..sec skool frens..catch up wif back home in a cab.*muke kaye skrg*cos ppl coming over my house for raye dat sis did d cooking dat dae.TASTELESS.had to just swollow d food down my throat and gave her sum insincere compliment.first try so..okla.
adorable sweet rite??!haha.luv em!*unhappy childhood pe* mocha favourite!
dat nite,sum of my sis frens came wif theirs kiddos and therefore they had requested my sis do d cooking.i played wif d kids.was super can endure except for changing diapers??so dats where i got my title of "kindergaten tch".d boy kiddo name AFIQ ANARQI,d gurl name ARIKA,super cool rite.and damn cute.too bz handling em dat forgot take snaps of em.too bad.
ytd sun,went to my abg sdare wed.was nice.i had a confession to make here.i love weddings.would like to be a bride one dae*muke nk kawin cpt,GATAL EH*no la,just luvs d deco,and one fine dae,would like to b a wedding planner!must save up money to join cosmoprof but b4 dat wanted to join muay thai kickboxing.LOL.and yar need to get license asap.keep forgetting to kol my instructor for next prepared again ppl.fiza coming back on d road!wohoo.CD van watch out yar!i'm simply gonna ramp into anything i long never drive and now guess forget all d things??hehe.mampos.inst.PETER gonna kill me.
today slack at home.sum ppl CABOT skool so lepak at my house.been watching movies at my lappy.laughing like nobody's business.*suke dier tk skolah*u noe who you are.we were looking at MacD broshureee tinking delivery.but NO.mum's gonna kill me for sure cos she's cooking.haha.
den was browsing d net when saw sum idiot comment on my youtube was about me immitating kak nita wif asPa.apparently tis idiot seems to have prob wif my posting.he/she/hershey said sumthing in mars lang. which i dun understand.its malay m'sian malay like dat??LOL.F. IT said "bapak geli cam cibai!!2 cam bangsat!!bodo nak mapos1kalo masg lawa xpe ni masg2 muke minx kene penyepak sial!!bodoh!!sume yg ade dlm video ni uh bagang!!bodoh!!" tis is d real typo error.
EWAH.LASER BETOL BUDAK NI EH.BUT SUMPAH AKU TK PAHAM FULLY.SO I REPLIED SUMTHING SOUNDS SOPHISCATED.IN ENGLISH YAR.WAS LIKE,"TALK PROPERLY DEN COME BACK TO ME."mintak kene rembat je budak ni.i never disturb em,why must they bother me? NIWAES,I NEVER STATE DERE OR..PUT D TITLE TWO HOT CHICKS OR WHAT RITE??HW DARE D IDIOT WANNA SLAP ME."BERANI DTG AH"KN da terminah jap*i was just imitating her wif asPa for leisure what??why take it so serious?!and..what more youtube have lots more nosensical stuff rite.I'M NOT MAKING FUN OF yar ppl just wanna be clear about d IDIOT who comment my video.I WON'T DISTURB PPL'S LIFE IF THEY DUN ABT MINE.
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