i wanna make a confession.i got super irritated nowadaes ppl getting
oh ya,PS: I HATE YPs!da lah budak kecik underage,nk step besar isap rokok pat NO SMOKING ZONE.BODO.and...THEY ARE HORNY AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE!BUNOH DORG BARU TAU! saw sum horny idiots at vivo rooftop.sial.BLOCK MY SCENERY JE
went out for a movie and catch up wif kakak zara,cik aspa
we were in class,and i'm supeerr bored and syara was like korek2 her purse checking sumthing and revealed dat she actually got tis card??!*sumpah smangat*and i was like "EH SYARA APE NI??"*muke shock*she was like"discount la"*muke selambe*den i burst out laughing to tears*sumpah kurangajar*but damn funny la kn* smangat kn dier fill up d whole particulars for old chang kee discount.i dunno but its just soo funneh luking at it.and,dat dae we went mcdonald's for lunch break,as you noe they got sum scratch and win thingy,syara was sooo into it again.collecting all d coupons.she's not a freak or kiasu auntiesbut dats just her.but damn cute la!

went to help for SAF event,shrink art
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