as d title says,it means dat im gonna be busy for next fews daes?cos of stupid projects and stuff which had to be cleared.i'm super duper tired.can imagine i was fighting wif my eyes not to fall asleep ytd nite to finish up sum drawings.basically d past wikends was a dum dum dum one.did sum werk.last fridae was a gud friday!we had lotsa fun catching up wif d GURLS!!LOL.super fun but shab just had to leave first.its okay we still got to mit up!i had quite of a terrible sat.was luking so unglamorous walking down at town.but d weirdest part is ppl notice us when we are in d shittest clothes!notice as in saw a few presentable luking ppl chking us out?HAHA.SUMPAH TKTAU MALU.MAYBE they c how sloppy we luk?but wtv,they luk at us n gave us d sweetest smile ever.

FRI nite wif gurls!WOHOO
den at meritus,had sum event to do.had to deal wif tis toot person la.his name is
RAYMOND. he's d event leader or wat?had difficult tyme negotiate wif him.first we thit we were late.den were are not?in fact 10mins early,den stand dere like two buffalo idiots.cos me and umairah were werking together dat dae and we didn't noe dat we had was last min.but we want turn up at sum hotel wif d shittest clothes
SLIPPERS??! I noe fahionistas would'nt agree wif wat i'm wearing to a hotel.BUT WHO CARES?IM JUST DOING my hours for sum event?NOT as if im going dere for a prom or dinner?!*muke tknk kalah*
both of us were luking very d rejected items one corNAR.dunno where to head to.sum photographers came up to us asking us whether we want a snap??LOL.WAS DAT A COMPLIMENT OR SARCASM?compliment becos...although dere's lotsa jerks and bimbos*which dosent luk hot?all dressup mcm suar, chinA mari* at d hotel for company dinner,we are among d lucky ones noticed by d photographer although we dress down like shit.people mistook us for tourist.thnx ah maybe from phillipine?OR maybe its JUST A sarcastic remark to make us feel worst after taking our pix la.maybe d photographer wanted to take d pix to let us see how 'WONDERFUL' we luk?esp. me wif slippers?!
lotsa of em wanted do d glitter tattoo thingy?about 40 ppl came to us.did a quick one.70% turns out nice.d rest...OK BYE!.was mumbling2 to myself as usual.complaining abt hw sial tis
RAYMOND IS.supposed start at 6 but it turns out to be 635.wtv.its okay i like d job niwaes.hehe.but dere is tis particular lady wearing sleeveless dress and she approached me waiting in d queue.den...she lift her hand up and was like...A BALL OF THREAD....EWW..*not trying to be WHAT?but yar,knowing u wanna wear dat,pls do trim d hedges?THNX.had to peep umairah and grab her shirt,whispering at her in a super fast tone hoping she catch it.well yes she did,cos gossiping part,mesti lincah punye!she was giggling while doing and me blushing red like shit trying to stop from bursting out.LOL.
todae did quite a gud job at d was quite gud for me but maybe not to my instructor?he was confident of me not doing well for my test?he kept giggling and commenting"EH wa boleh heart attAck ah ini mcm lu bawak!jantong ada keluar hor!,*cina accent*HAIYO CI SEH...''N BLA BLA HE went off in his native language.wtv i paid for it u teach!plus he was all over chking out hot ah lians and cursing all d minahs who was having bike pracs..commenting they'll neve make it?bloody hell,here i was struggling,he's dere giving unnecesary comments?!but okla he sooo funneh...I ALMOST SLIP OFF DUE TO D PUDDLE just now.SO MALUUUU!!!*sempat chk blindspot org tgk tak*HAHA.LASTYLY,CAN I SAY I DUN WANNA GO SKOOL TMR?!!
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