there's only one thing in my mine rite now.i tink SINGAPORE IS POLLUTED WIF PPL??can i say...its really really polluted.went out to town today for awhile.d train,bus,streets,shopping malls,POLLUTED WIF PPL.its as if SINGAPORE REALLY REALLY PACK WIF HUMANS.like over populated.ppl pushing everywhere.lyke SUPER KIASU.me and NANI sumpah cursing all d idiots la kn.met zeema and umz last wik.chat until 3am lyke dat.chk chk,eh bsok skolah pa??oh no.zeema,WERK.HAHA.suke?okla.sumpah i giler.ok went out wif d gurls on fri,camwhore.as usual.act mcm model.for me,model tk menjadi la kn.okla tu syok sendiri.nephew AIMAN now sumpah irritating,i feel lyke strangling him??cos he broke my frame and ran away HAPPILY wif his SUPERMAN SHIRT??HERO PA?!WOW THNX AH.no matter wat,I STILL LUP U DIP DIP AIMAN!!MUACKZ.ok moral story,i just want SINGAPORE stop 'inviting' ppl in.n pls use any kinda spray to ensure u smell...ok?24/7.not asking u smell WOW.but presentable la rite.if not oso PLS DUN WEAR ANY SLEEVELESS SHIRT.THNX AH.n i sumpah FEEL LYKE QUITTING SKOOL??!HELP ME!!I NID A PROFESSIONAL HELP.PM ME OKAY?*SIGNS OF GETTING MAD;ASKING QNS,ANS MYSELF??BABBLING 24/7*
aniwaes,we were queuing up for food just now,den...got tis COUPLE intimate infront of us la kn.OMG.we start gossiping behind em la.saw tis auntie and uncle sitting at d table though.didn't expect its d couple's parent.we gossip lyke so obvious la kn.HAHA.ER,after realising we were all filled wif guilt...BUT WTV.ITS DONEDED.n i'm sure they oso gossip abt us.cos d guy turn behind;chk us out and turn to d gurl to say sumthing.oh well.n it seems lotsa MINAH tudong wearing d same trend.FLOWERY DRESS.OPPS.OK BYE!TMR DRIVING ...LEARN PARKING?CONFERM..DAMN!HOPE TO PASS BY HOT CD GUYS!!D VAN KE??WTV IS RELATED.ME LUV GUYS IN UNI!!OUCH!NANI SHARE D SAME TASTE TOO!!SIS LUP PA KITE??HAHA
aniwaes,we were queuing up for food just now,den...got tis COUPLE intimate infront of us la kn.OMG.we start gossiping behind em la.saw tis auntie and uncle sitting at d table though.didn't expect its d couple's parent.we gossip lyke so obvious la kn.HAHA.ER,after realising we were all filled wif guilt...BUT WTV.ITS DONEDED.n i'm sure they oso gossip abt us.cos d guy turn behind;chk us out and turn to d gurl to say sumthing.oh well.n it seems lotsa MINAH tudong wearing d same trend.FLOWERY DRESS.OPPS.OK BYE!TMR DRIVING ...LEARN PARKING?CONFERM..DAMN!HOPE TO PASS BY HOT CD GUYS!!D VAN KE??WTV IS RELATED.ME LUV GUYS IN UNI!!OUCH!NANI SHARE D SAME TASTE TOO!!SIS LUP PA KITE??HAHA
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