red gives u luck rite according to all in red!maybe ltr going out for our photoshoot,shall wear ALL RED.*even undies*HEHE. Hope d weather to be fine today!hmm...cant wait for it ltr!HEHE.

from sis to me!! ^ ^
got some leftovers photos from my bdae korek2 from my camera.LOL.and mummy just bought me TIGGER!!CUTE TK MAK I??one fine day,while passing the shop, "mak,i want tis TIGGER''.sumpah cute.mum,luking at it;''GILA LA KAU.DAH TEBIAT'' OUCH.i tebiat.OK.OKAY.d bantal busok so tk perlu.HEHE.
NEXT DAY,...mum: ''nah!amek kau''*muke wtv*.HAHA.OHMYGAWD!SHE BOUGHT IT FOR ME LA!!WOW.I SQUEEZED IT LIKE TERRIBLY.WARNING: *I LUV SQUEEZING &SQUASHING THING* OKAY...dun get me WRONG!HAHA.niwaes,dat was my first SOFT TOY EVER FOR MY LIFE.even sis was having tis weird expression when i told d TIGGER was mine.not for AIMAN.she was like ''SINCE WHEN U LIKE SOFT TOYS??''* muke terpranjat*.according to mum, we tend to get weirder as we grow older.well, maybe its true.especially for me...
AND...i really wanna get out of my part tyme work a.s.a.p.i cant wait for my last friggin serious.dun need it anymore!can just concentrate on my attachment soon.hopefully d environment will be far betta in dere! i HATE D sum idiots at my workplace for making my LYFE MISERABLE IN DERE.oh well, just SORRY on my part for you people to have meet in YOUR life.becos u have met d WRONG person dat u can mess with!
but dere's one super stupid and laughable incident dat took place dat customer,a guy,*cute luking,HEHE* was browsing thru d shirts.he luk sumpah hip hop,B BOYS according to 'em.den enquire for a new piece from me.w/o thinking much,i was sooo confident its in my storeroom; the went off.lalalala.quite far,about 3 minutes walk.reach.took d black top.rush back to him*dun want to make cute boys wait long* hehe.upon reaching with my face,*d tired one*,he smile cutely and abit scared feeling...*like i wanna tel u sumthing??*he was like''er,,this shirt,is this one isit??''*pointing to the ones placed on the tabletop.OUCH.den what did i took?when d new pieces are OUT DERE SITTING QUIETLY?i open d new folded shirt dat i took earlier and instantly my face was RED.*could see dat becos i was standing at d reflected mirror.LOL.*MALUUUU NYE III*LIKE HE THOT I WAS DUMB?PLUS BLURR PLUS BEING SO BIMBOTIC??OHMY.OKBYE.den nk cover d malu AND TRY ACT SMARTLY,''ISIT? I THOT U R LUKING FOR THE BLACK TOP WITH POCKETS??''and walk away to d MANNEQUIN??HAHA.FIZA DAH MALU.I NOE HE'S LOST BEHIND ME.AND WAS SMILING CUTELY!BUT GOD,WHY U HAVE TO DO TIS TO ME????
nyah was like,''DIK,APE DIER BELI SAMPAI KO LARI PENAT GI STORE??''me:SHUDDUPPP SEH.AKU DAH MALU TAU KAK!!nyah was laughing away and w/o realising the cute customer heard dat oso upon purchasing it at the cashier & was smiling away!!!F LA.THNX LA STUPID CASHIER FOR BEING SO neARR*TELOR CHINA* my stn!!*blushing away*
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