finally,its my final day at work! been smiling since i step outta hse thinking its my last day!captured some impromptu wtv.captured wif my bf ...he's hot hunk,white; so i'm sure if our breeding turns out rite,must be totally NICE huh!but too bad my bf is so...'stiff & still', KAKU la kn! introducing my bf...ADAM D MANNEQUIN!!^ ^okay i noe sumthing is wrong up in D brain-.- gotta realise he's way taller & bigger than me.i'm sure gonna be sandwiched by him according to d ppl dere?WHATEVER.u ppl are simply jealous of my guy!i noe*nod head repeatedly*& guys,i need to change job,promoter for d vending machine!*muke happy*

of course last visit to my bff;MARKS & SPENCER dere.okay still gotta visit ur other siblings arnd s'pore.dun worry!
i was on top of d moon ytd!'t have candlelite dinner or whatsover wif a guy, instead, BFF showed her new CAMERA to me!yes!went photoshooting was funnNNNN!!CANON EOS.okay i'm sooo freaking jealous wif her for having it b4 I DO!HMPH!although its not reali hers, her sis & dad's.according to her,its a SHARED one.okay wtv nani. and i personally think i take betta pixs than her!WHAT DO U THINK??*kening naik naik*
& waiting for d photoshoot pixs to be out soon.*step model*send by nani,to me.HAHA.
sempat pakai hp camera aku yg tk gune ni take pix!
upon arriving at home,ehem ehem.arriving pe gang,.whatever,so since im still in d mood of taking pixs??so i decided to take more of it.myself la.*syok sendiri*.dun tel me u never did take pixs of u keep clicking thinking d next shot might be betta than the current or previous ones.LOL.

didn't managed to use my shades la gang ytd's outing cos by d time we reached dere and had dinner,it was night use it as a prop at home la...*ketawe sndiri*
was trying to figure out which mode is which..and d effects did make different la kn.duh.I'M SO GONNA LEARN least next tyme kalo no work can be a part tyme photographer kn!cool...!!

next up,of course la show my dramatic eyeliner ytd.*PRANGAI NK JADI FUTURE MAKEUP ARTISTE/MAK ANDAM*.dun reali use REVLON label cos to me..its soo..makcik*auntie* la kn...but aspa intro me to d eyeliner saying its gud...& ITS TRUEEEE!makes my eyes luks way BIGGER!*dah la mate mcm chinchong!*OUCH.& hopefully i am able to apply my makeup skill to my fren's upcoming prom nite!!*jgn mcm wayang pekji sua*
=tadaa!*mate besar skit tk mcm chingz*
as u noe, i have d tendency to dig*dun think dirtyly*THINGS out from wardrobe/cupboard.& i found d MISS UNIVERSE crown,okay.NO.a crown prop used for d bed deco for my sis wedding! ancient history.not reali la.but about 8 mths ago maybe??& of course had to show & publicised my hard work poster!!did all by myself although its grp work!IM PROUD*case tk penah buat keje*okay we are not so lame to talk about strawberry,but to go great details on how to cross BREED em'!!*hope u understand*
plus,d so lame gambar jemputan*prangai mak2*!!aisyah's sis wed!!& had to claimed myself as a PINOY(filipin) la gang cos i never wear traditional costume!LOL.its not dat i dun want to...*trying clear d air* ITS BECOS I STAY EAST AREA!how can i possibly walking alone wearing baju kurung when all my other fren met up earlier as their house nearby each other & to aisyah's!!(WEST)
aisyah,third from the left (in black&red). plus ngee ann GFsss la kn!!
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